Who am I? - Chapter 1

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This is my first story, I hope you like it. The cover will be changed, and I know it says,'Who are you?'

Chapter 1

I walked up to Brad's locker to talk to him about our three year anniversary, but when I arrived he wasn't there. I went to the football field looking for him and what I saw suprised me. He was leaning on Britney and smiling in a way that was so new, I had to get out of there and fast.

I pulled out my cell-phone and texted my friend Filipe and it said,'Meet me at homeroom, we need to talk.' He replied immediatley saying,'On my way!'

When we met at homeroom he asked,"Whats wrong?"

I became an emotional wreck as I replied,"You were right about that bastard! I saw him with that slut Britney."

Filipe looked at me concerned for a minute then went back to his work. I looked over at him, he was violently scribbling down his sentences. While I was observing his strange behavior his pencil lead broke. The room was so quiet as usaul on a Friday, you could hear it from miles away.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I looked at who it was. I mumbled "Shit." under my breath, it was Brad!

"Delete." I mumbled.

I got another text, but this time from Filipe,'Party at my place! Be here at 7:00, my parents are gone.'

'Sounds great! Brad won't be there, right?'

'Duh' Filipe texted back.

I smiled, I'm finally free to do what I want to do!

The school day dragged on as usaul, and it was finally an hour before the party, but I had no idea what to wear. I rummaged through my closet and finally found a dress I've never worn, though it was very showy. I've never worn something so slutty... It was a black, skin tight, and strapless. It ended only halfway on my thigh and made my boobs look twice the size they were. I threw on black high-heels and ran down the stairs checking if my parents were home. I think they went on a week cruise with the Williams, Filipe's parents.

I heard a car honk outside my house, and looked at my cell-phone. It was 6:49 and I forgot Filipe said he'd pick me up. He brought his sweet convertible mustang which I got in.

Filipe took a glance at me,"Chrystal?"

"What?" I said innocently.

"I've never seen you wear something so..."

"Slutty?" I finished his sentence.

"Pretty much."

"For once I want to do something..." I started. "Rebelious!"

He raised an eyebrow,"Don't get carried away today."

"We should go before people arrive." I chuckled.

He agreed and started the car.

After a few minutes at Filipe's home people started to arrive and within minutes it was wild.

I walked to his kitchen and grabbed a beer. I've only gotten drunk once with Filipe, but that's it. Today... I'm getting drunk off my ass.

I headed back to the living room and felt arms close around me.

"Hey." I heard Filipe's best friend say. I turned around and saw him looking at me with lustful eyes. "Let's dance."

He smelt of alcohol and was obviously drunk, but this quick?

We moved to a more 'open area' and started grinding. I didn't particularily enjoy it as much as I was feeling rebelious.

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer, I could tell he was excited because of his hardness.

"I need another beer." I sighed.

"I'll get it." He said before walking away and coming back with two beers.

I think I'm going far with him tonight, like I said, I'm going all rebelious.

We down the beers which made me quite tipsy. He on the other hand was so drunk he was incapable of basic things.

"Let's find a room." I say with determination.

He smiled, grabbing my hand and leading me to Filipe's room. He closed the door behind him and turned back to me with a cold and lustful stare.

He leaned down to kiss me leading me to my best friend's bed. We landed on the comfty comforter where I was under him. I parted my lips so we could deepen the kiss. He moved his hand on my neck down my breast to my thigh. His hand started to travel up my dress, that's when I started to freak out.

"Peter, I can't do this."

"Come on..." He said before placing his lips on my neck.

"I'm serious, get off of me."

"Why! You've probably had sex with tons of people!" He shouted, scaring me.

"I would never do that to Brad." I said hurt.

"You little liar! I bet you slept around like the little slut you are."

"I've never had sex with anyone!" I shouted trying to push him off.

"Liar." He growled grabbing the top of my dress about to pull.

"Stop!" I grabbed his wrists.

He instead planted his lips on mine and placed one hand on my boob and one hand that slowly started to travel its way back up my dress. I did all I could to push him off. Just to my luck the door opened and in came Filipe.

"Oh sorry." He said about to leave, but realized who I was. "Chrystal!"

I pushed Peter off terrified but relieved. "It isn't what it looks like!" I yelled.

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