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"Vis? Is it the stone again?"

Wanda walked towards where Vision was standing staring out of the window of the hotel they were staying in. She had always told Scottie that she wanted to visit Scotland, and while she loved getting to spend time with Vision, it just hurt her to think about what different memories were supposed to have been made here.

"It's as if it's speaking to me," the android replied, his hand gently touching his forehead as the stone almost seemed to pulse. The yellow glow from the stone that usually was dim was now bright, a colour that Wanda couldn't help but associated with her dead lover.

"What does it say?" She asked calmly and gently, she knew that it was rare for the stone to ever cause him any pain.

"I don't... I don't know, but something, it's like there's something calling out," Vision murmured, squinting slightly as the stone glowed brightly again. Wanda lifted her hands, placing them gently on either side of her friend's face as she tried to keep him calm.

"Tell me what you feel," Vision told her, wanting an insight into what was going on with the stone in his head.

"I just feel you," she murmured, before titled her head slightly. "But there's something there, so familiar but I just can't figure it out."

Vision placed a soft hand on her wrist as he smiled gently at her. He knew that these meetings they had in private were the only reason that the two of them had been kept sane after the death of Scottie. The two best friends missed her dearly, and Vision still blamed himself for ripping their relationship apart.

"We can figure it out, together."


"Tony Stark?"

Pepper, Tony and Scottie sprung apart from each other in their family embrace as a firm voice interrupted their reunion. Tony's arm stretched out and gently pushed Pepper and Scottie behind him, with Pepper grabbing on to the girl protectively.

"I'm Doctor Stephen Strange," the man informed them, his cape flowing gently in the New York breeze. His eyes widened as he looked at Scottie before turning back to the genius in front of him. "I need you to come with me. Oh, uh, congratulations on the wedding, by the way."

Scottie's jaw dropped turning to look at her basically parents. She scanned their hands and noticed the matching rings upon their fingers.

"You got married??" She asked, ignoring the appearance of the strange man and she grabbed Tony and Pepper's hands to examine the rings.

Tony rolled his eyes, gently pulling his hand away as he turned his attention back to the strange man.

"Engaged. I'm sorry, you giving out tickets or something?" He asked, the nano suit slowly powering itself up as he repositioned himself between his girls and the Doctor.

"We need your help. Look, it's not overselling to say that the fate of the universe is at stake."

Scottie flashed back to the strange creatures that had tried to kill her unless they explained where the so called stone holder was. She furrowed her eyebrows as she studied the man in front of them.

"Thanos," she murmured, causing Pepper and the Doctor to look at her in shock before Tony continued his interrogation.

"And who's "we"?"

And if Tony and Pepper hadn't already had enough surprises that morning, they were about to have another one.

"Hey, Tony."

"Bruce?" All three asked at the same time, amazed at their friends reappearance. The man had been missing for almost three years, and Scottie hadn't seen him since she had helped him to create Ultron.

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