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Living in this home, all by myself, I have been wondering. Humans are social creatures. We evolved as social apes, who relied on positive social interaction to survive. One human cannot do much on its own, but twenty-five humans, they can take on a mammoth, or a giant sloth, or the plethora of mega fauna that used to roam this earth. If we evolved in a social context, I believe we humans started to rely on social interaction. It became a necessity, not just to fulfill or base physical needs, but also all our needs. We became reliant on others for or physiological needs as well. To receive and give advice, to tell stories, to share moments, to enjoy company. We are social apes, that is no doubt. But I find myself different from this blueprint of humankind.

I, alone, is not something I dislike, or am uncomfortable with. Do not get me wrong, I enjoy company and spending time with others, but I also genuinely enjoy being alone. I enjoy my own company. That sounds conceded as I am writing it but, its true. I like who I am, I know I am not perfect, far from it. But I love all my stupid imperfections, because they make me unique, and I find so much beauty in uniqueness, especially in the age of social media. I question this fondness for my own company, and wonder if I'm weird for it, or if I am just different. Is it weird to enjoy my own company so much? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, all I know is I love who I am, and enjoy getting to know myself a little more, and ponder in my head about a mass of ideas, theories and topics. I do enjoy the company of others, but I think I've come to the realization that not all company is good company. I'd rather spend time with my mom, or brother, or some of my best friends, then with a large variety of people.

Now that is and isn't true. See I love people, they are the most interesting things to me on this entire planet. The thing I am by far the most curious about, is homo sapiens. So for this reason, I find everyone interesting, and enjoy meeting new people and hanging out and interacting with strangers all the time, to see the differences and uniqueness in individuals. But I find some people just aren't unique individuals. They haven't realized their differences, and interests, and formed an identity off of them. They just spew the same nonsense everyone else does, about this and that. But when I meet and find people who are more self-actualized, and have a stronger unique salient identity, they are people I find the most joy being around and learning about. People. Individuals. Not group-think apes who aren't unique. See, the beauty of being a human like us, and I, is our differences. They are our strengths, not our weaknesses. Differences are what make us, us. I wish more people realized this, and embraced what made them difference, and didn't run from it. 

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