Chapter Thirteen

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I'm going to fast forward to the part when Janet is going into labor.


*Janet holds and looks down at her stomach while frowning*

"What's wrong hun." Josh says looking at Janet with concern

"I think my water just broke because I'm really bad sharp pains." Janet says

"Oh okay come on let's go to the hospital." Josh said jumping up and rushing to the room to get the bag

"Okay I'll be in the car." Janet yells

"Okay." Josh yells back

*arrived at the hospital*

"Can someone please help my girlfriend is in labor." Josh said looking around for someone to come

"How far are her contractions?" one of the nurses asked running to them

"Um about 15 minutes apart." Josh said holding Janet's hand while the push her into a room


*a few minutes later*

"Come on Janet push." the doctor said

"You're doing a good job babe." Josh said whispering in her ear

"I see the head one more push Janet." the doctor said

*the baby comes out crying*

"You have a beautiful healthy baby girl congratulations." the doctor says

"Omg about time this little bundle of joy came." Josh said looking at her

"Yea I know right." Janet said looking down at her

"Hi baby girl welcome to the world." Josh said in a baby voice

"Omg you are the cutest thing ever." Janet said

"I know she is." Josh said

"I was talking about you Josh but Ari is also cute to." Janet said laughing

"Omg hey daddy's princess it is okay if I say that." Josh said

"Yea of course well haut have to tell her when she's older that you aren't her real dad but we can cross that bridge when we get there." Janet said smiling

"Good cause I would love her to call dad I would love to have kids of my own." Josh said

"Okay." Janet said smiling

"Hey!" everyone said coming into the room

"Awwwwww she's so cute and adorable." Rebbie and Latoya said at the same time

"She looks just like you." Katherine said

"Really!" Janet said

"Yea she definitely has your smile and eyes and nose." Michael said

"Hey Ari this is your uncle Michael your have tons of fun with me when your older and I'll spoil you rotten if your mommy says no you call your uncle Mikey." Michael said

"Ugh no your not no body is going to spoil my child got it I don't want her to be a brat I want her to be able to get married, have kids of her own I don't want her to be lonely with cats for the rest of her life because her uncle spoiled her." Janet said seriously

"Okay calm down jan it's was a joke." Michael said

"I know but don't say that I don't want her growing up thinking that being spoil brat." Janet said

"Okay!" Michael said

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