Just another normal night

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Chapter 1

"I wish my life were like a movie." Daphne said laying her head on my shoulder. 

"And why do you say that?" I asked.

 "Face it, in the movies, the girl gets a fairytale wedding, a happy ending, and not to mention she gets the guy of her dreams." We moved up an inch in the line.

Daphne and I were standing in line waiting for the midnight premiere of the newest vampire movie. I know it seems cliché, but we did read the books that led up to this so we took it upon ourselves to enjoy the evening.

 "Could this line be moving any slower?" My boyfriend asked impatiently not looking up from his phone.

"Marc, what are you even doing here? You don't like these movies, especially when the handsome vampire grabs his girlfriend and kisses her passionately at the end of the movie..." But she was cut off by Marc, "Oh, you mean like this?" He grabbed me and kissed me in front of the whole line. Everyone was whistling and cat-calling. As we parted he started blushing which only made me think he was cuter than before. Marc and I had been together for about a 3 and a half years and he was possibly the best boyfriend ever.

 "I'm just here as chauffer, so James and I will be in the arcade until your movie's done." We looked over his shoulder at James who was sleeping on the ground. James always seemed to be doing one of two things, eating or sleeping.  

"You guys really don't have to stay the whole time, why don't you just go get food or something." I offered, hearing his second favorite thing James jumped up and grabbed the keys out of Marc's hand and with a wave ran to Marc's pickup that was parked at the end of the parking lot.

"You sure?" he asked me.

"Yes, the last thing I want you to do on your Friday night is spend it waiting for me." I smiled at him.

"I'd wait for you any day, I have all the patience in the world for you." He kissed me softly and let go of my hand following after James who already had the truck in gear.

"Wow, I wish I had something like what you guys have." Daphne sighed and picked at her split ends. Even though it was the middle of winter she was wearing her signature flip-flops. But I called them her shower shoes, because literally, I don't think I've ever seen her take them off. I think she'll be buried in them. 

"All in due time." I reassured her, "Remember? My cousin is visiting for Christmas from England."

"Oh yes, the hottie with the body, so I've heard." 

The movie lasted for a good three hours. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep halfway through only to be woken up by Daphne hitting my leg asking, "Can you believe he actually turned her into a vampire?! Oh! I want him..." then she went back to eating her popcorn covered with her signature sour patch kids. After the movie was over Daphne and I wandered out into the parking lot. It was about two o'clock in the morning. The air was crisp and a patch of fog was rolling in from over the hill. I pulled out my cellphone to call Marc to see where he was. I had pulled up his contact when Daphne nudged my arm and pointed to the street, where a truck was speeding onto the parking lot.

Someone was laying on the horn and I could hear the music blasting through the open windows. As it got closer noticed whose it was. There was no mistaking the way the red pinstripe caught the neon lighting overhead.

"Shit. They're drunk." Daphne whispered.

"Hey babbbbyyyyy.." Marc slurred from the driver's seat as he pulled up to curb. I gave him a once over, bottle in lap and James in the passenger seat with the rest of the six pack. "Ready to go?" he flashed a smile and patted his lap, spilling the beer onto his shoes.

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