Just another relative

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After James finally regained his sanity and Daphne woke up. Nate and I made pancakes. (Our Thompson specialty.) The boys scarfed them down and settled into the living room to watch football. Daphne and I got coffee and walked outside to sit by my pool putting our feet in the water. We could hear the occasional cheering from inside as Nate always rooted for whichever team had the ball. He wasn't really big on football but he was learning from Marc and James; who were the captains of our varsity team.

        Ever since my dad passed away halfway through freshman year and my older brother away at college, Marc took it upon himself to look after Nate like his own brother. I think he liked it more than Nate. With him being an only child and all.

        My phone rang and my brother ran to get it. We walked inside and put our mugs in the sink "Hello? Yeah. She’s right here." He handed me the phone, "It’s for you."

"Hello?" There were deep breaths coming from the other line.

“Hey sexy. What are you doing tonight?" Woah, Hello Creepy voice.

“I beg your pardon?" Holding the phone away trying to see who it was.

 "Oh. I can’t wait to see you. It’s been so long since our last encounter." Ok. This guy was officially starting to creep me out.

"Who is this? And you better tell me now or else I'm calling the police.” Marc perked up hearing my frustration. He mouthed 'who is it?'

"Haha! Psych! It’s me Aaron!" A distinguishable British accent came into play.

“Oh my God I am going to frikin' kill you!!!" Marc jumped up and grabbed the phone.

"Listen here buddy you better stay away from my girlfriend or else I will find you and make those words your last." He was actually pretty sexy right there except for the fact he was making empty threats toward my cousin Aaron.

"Marc. Marc Marc Marc. That's not a creep. He’s my cousin. Well, he’s still a creep but he was just joking!" I laughed pulling the phone away from him. "Sorry A. What's up?"

"Well, I'm standing in the bloody rain at Burbank airport waiting for you to come pick me up. My plane landed about thirty minutes ago. I texted you."         Oh my gosh. I completely forgot that he came on today for vacation. "Oh. My. Gosh. I'm so sorry. I'm leaving right now. I’ll be there in like forty-five minutes. Do you think you could wait in side or at the Starbucks or something?" I asked running upstairs.

"Sure. Just get here. There's a bum who keeps eyeing my watch." he warned. I hung up with him and threw on my jeans and a sweatshirt that read 'WESTCHESTER BULLFROGS' in blue and green. I threw on my boots and grabbed my purse. I ran down the stairs and out the garage grabbing the keys to my mustang off the hook. But I remembered that everyone was still inside. I ran back in and smacked into James.

"Whoa there! Where the hell are you going?!" he asked brushing himself off.

"I totally forgot that that Aaron was flying in today. And you guys need to go. I’ll call you later Dee." I said turning off the TV.

"Hey! I was watching that!" Nate yelled.

"Be nice to your sister." Marc tousled his hair and turned to me. "I'll see you later?" I nodded and he kissed me while going out the door behind James and Daphne. I heard the truck start and pull away.

"You," I pointed at Nate. "Put some shoes on. We're going to pick up Aaron."

"Aaron's here!! Why didn't you say so?" he jumped and booked it upstairs and then met me in my car.

        Aaron wasn't joking. As soon as we hit the freeway thunder sounded and rain fell from the sky in sheets and it felt like the road was going to flood. "Oh boy..." I looked through the windshield at the six car pileup. I easily maneuvered my way around the wreckage and continued on.

        By the time we pulled into the parking lot the rain had died down and we ran into the Starbucks. Aaron was sitting in a lazy boy in the corner playing on his phone.

        Nate practically knocked over everything in the store as he ran and jumped on Aaron's lap. I could hear Aaron grunt from the door.

"Oi! What the hell have you been eating?! Jeez you’re like a gazillion pounds heavier than the last time I saw you." He lifted Nate up spinning him around. I walked over to them and gave my cousin a hug. "Good to see you Laura!" he squeezed me. The last time I had seen Aaron was about four years ago, around the time of my father’s passing. My uncle and him came out for the funeral, stayed for about a month then flew back to England.

 “It’s good to see you too. How have you been?” I said as he held me at arm’s length.

“I’ve been smashing, the family in London says HI, and Merry Christmas to the both of you.” He smiled. “God, did I ever tell you that you’re beautiful?”

I laughed, “I don’t know how it works in London, but here, in California, it’s illegal to marry your cousins.” I mean don’t get me wrong, I thought Aaron was attractive also, but he is my cousin, almost like my older brother, by like 4 months. We practically looked like twins. Brown eyes, dark brown hair. And we were both really tanned. My mom said that when he used to visit more when we were little, people mistook us for twins. 

“Not what I meant.” He narrowed his eyes. “I just want to meet someone like you, my dream girl. That way I wouldn’t have to miss you all the time. You’re my best friend Laur.” He hugged me again.

 “Aw A… I love you too. But, no one could ever replace me. I’m one-of-a-kind.” I twirled around. We both laughed. Nate giggled and grabbed Aaron’s hand pulling him toward the barista, “A, you got to try the Pumpkin Spice latte, it’s amazing!” he said flipping his hair up like the little diva he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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