Chapter 2: Rooming Together

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Hey guys, honestly I don't like the new Wattpad thingy 'cause the font is like kinda too big for my liking. It was pretty much why I paused updating this story for a little while. Anyways, this story is dedicated to a special fan ;D

Jackie xx


Chapter 2: Rooming Together



     He remained silent and avoided looking at me. What did I do wrong? I wanted to ask more but stopped myself when our parents came into the car. My parents were riding in front while Jason and I were squished together by his parents. 

     "Jason, have you catch up on Alison yet?" Mrs Carter grinned at the both of us, completely oblivious to the fact that Jason hated me. He grumbled some colorful words under his breath before nodding. Mrs Carter was satisfied with her answer and went back to her conversation with my mother. 

     "Oh by the way kids, I haven't tell you this but we're going to be living together. Just until the furniture comes and until the house is repaired. So you know what this means, Alison?" Mrs Carter looked like she was about to jump out of the van in excitement. 

      "What?" I didn't want to know the answer either because the last time the Carters came to stay the night at our place, Jason slept in my room. 

     "It means Jason could room with his bestest friend!" I heard Jason groaned inwardly and I felt myself looking in every direction. I could NOT room with him, he hated me(although I didn't know why) and I didn't want to room with the person who hated me. If he turned out to be as bad as Deana, I would not survive. 

     "It would be fun!" That's what she said. 



     How could anyone stand being in the same room with her? Heck, how did I stand being in the same room with her all those years? She's super freaking annoying and trips over stuff 'accidentally' and accidentally spilled some juice on my sleeping bag, even. 

     "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She kept on apologizing. Why must she apologize? It would make me hate her more! I grabbed the glass from her hand and rolled my eyes at her before going to the kitchen and placed the glass in the sink. I needed to get away from her, anywhere but near her. 

     Why did my mom even thought of this stupid idea? We could have just stayed at a hotel or something! Why did she even wanted to move back into that old stupid house? It would be far more better if we stayed in England and not come back here. 

     I heard soft footsteps coming from the stairs before Alison emerged into the kitchen. She looked scared and fearful. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it! It was an accident. You can sleep on my bed, I'll sleep at the couch tonight! I'm sorry, please don't tell your mom?" I looked at her. Like seriously look at her, not like the small glance I gave her back at the airport. 

     My mom was right, she had grown more prettier. Her brown hair was longer and wavier. Her blue eyes looked more shinier and she just looked...innocent. But I hated her anyways, so that doesn't matter. "Whatever." I gave her the one word response and went upstairs. I heard her sigh as she followed me back up the stairs. 

     "What did I do wrong, Jason?" 


      "What did I do wrong, Jason?" I asked him, pleading even. 

     "Can't you figure it our yourself? Now please get out. I need my sleep and since you made my sleeping bag dirty, you shall sleep at the couch like you suggested." He said quietly and dangerously at me before slamming the door at my face. My bedroom door. 

     Like how I slammed at his face a year ago. 


      I couldn't sleep at all. 

     The whole bed smelled like her. I tried reading the encyclopedia to try and make me go to sleep, but it wouldn't help. It was in the middle of the night and it was super cold. I looked around her room and found a few things. Ten photographs of us hanging out two years ago were sticked on her wall. There was one that really caught my attention. The one that her parents took during our school annual prom. The both of us were single that time so we took each other to the prom. 

     She was wearing a blue dress while I wore a tux with a tie that matched the color of her dress. 

     I took the photograph from the wall and placed it in my wallet. Maybe that would be the only memory of her that I wouldn't mind. 

     I guess I was acting like a jerk, forcing a girl to sleep on the couch while I sleep on her bed. I sighed and got out from the room, careful to not make much sound so our parents wouldn't wake up. I tip-toed down the stairs and found her sleeping on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her body. The television was on so I turned it off and kneeled in front of her. 

     "You're a burden, you know that?" I whispered to her before carefully slipping my arm beneath her and carried her up the stairs. 


Author's note: This is all for chapter two. Sorry for the late update, I didn't really enjoy Wattpad's new font. By the way! Are there any Directioners among my readers? If there is, guys!!! The album's released! 

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