Chapter 4

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Elizabeth was rolled into an examination room, where the doctor asked her to sit up so he could take a look at her head wound.

She complied with the checks he did. She followed the light with her eyes. She answered his questions on whether or not she was nauseous etc. It wasn't until he actually started touching it that she felt unable to contain an.


'I'm sorry. You have some swelling here, and the skin has broken. I will need to clean it up, but you were lucky. You won't need any stitches.'


'Is there anywhere else that you're hurt?'

Elizabeth felt the throbbing of her full right side.


Luca immediately jumped in.

'I asked if you were ok, and you said yes.'

She didn't even spare him a glance but kept her eyes on the doctor.

'My right side is throbbing. I-'

What could she say? My kidnappers threw me down on concrete?

'I took a bad fall on my right side.'

She just hoped he wouldn't ask any probing questions about it. She seriously had no Idea what she was allowed to say or not.

The doctor seemed to completely understand and just said.

'Let's take a look. Do you need help taking the dress off?'

She probably did. But she didn't want to take it off in front of Luca.

'Can you leave the room please?'

He just looked at her and said.


Elizabeth decided it was probably easier to get Luca to listen to the doctor.

'Can you please ask him to leave this room, for the rest of the examination?'

The doctor seemed unsure as to what to do. But he eventually looked at Luca and said.

'Perhaps it would be better for you to wait outside?'

Again all they got was.


Elizabeth could feel her own temper starting to rise. She looked at the doctor again and said.

'You phrased that as a question. I'm your patent, and I've told you I want privacy. Tell him to get out.'

The man just looked at her with pleading eyes, and quietly said.

'Please Miss Elizabeth. Don't involve me in this.'

And looking at Luca, she could perhaps understand why the doctor said so. He was vibrating with something Elizabeth couldn't describe. It was like he was completely contained, but something was wanting to break free. And the doctor wanted to make damn sure that whatever was longing to get released wasn't directed at him.

'Turn your back then at least.'

Luca gave her a long look before he just complied.

That's when Elizabeth saw the back of him, and the two guns that were sticking out from his pants that the shirt didn't concealed properly.

No wonder, the doctor didn't want to say something.

She took off her dress with the help of the doctor, and he asked her to lie down, which she did.

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