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"come on jin, get in the car." said yoongi, waiting patiently in the drivers seat. jin sighed and shook his head. "why?" asked a confused yoongi. "because, i feel bad for leaving jimin in this massive building all alone!" jin complained, practically whining. "jin, there's other people working the night shift too. yeah he may get a little lonely, but he's done it before. he'll be fine." said yoongi, he was starting to get a little impatient now.

jin's grip around the teddy bear tightened. yoongi's lips were pressed into a thin line. yoongi sighed and gave in. "fine... you can go spend the night with jimin. tomorrow i have a day off so i'll come and pick you up in the morning." said yoongi. jin nodded and smiled, yoongi waved goodbye and drove off. jin ran into the building, going to find jimin's office.

he knocked on the door... no response. so, he knocked again. in the end he just walked in, since no one was responding to him. jimin was asleep, his head on the desk, lightly snoring. "jimin hyung!" said jin, happily. jimin suddenly woke up, a little startled. his hair was a little bit messy and his eyes looked sleepy.

"jinnie, what are you doing here? you were meant to go home with yoongi hyung.." said jimin, yawning immediately after. jin smiled and said "i'm staying with you! i spoke to yoongi hyung about it, he said i could." jin sat in the chair opposite jimin.

hours passed, jin helped jimin with a few things, now he was just playing a game on his phone whilst holding his teddy in his arms. he rubbed his eyes out of tiredness. "jinnie, why don't you go to sleep?" jimin said, softly. jin wanted to protest, but before he could he was already fast asleep.

it was now 7am. jimin had finally finished everything he needed to do, and he was finally able to go home for the day. jin woke up as well, he stretched his arms and legs out and yawned. "what time is it?" jin asked. jimin took a glance at the time and said "7am. i assume yoongi will pick you up soon." jin nodded and sorted his messy hair out.

suddenly, jin's phone rang. he looked at the contact name, it was yoongi. he quickly answered. "hi yoongi hyung!" said jin, cheerfully. jimin almost felt a little jealous how jin would speak to yoongi, oh how he wished jin would just get that excited around him...

"jinnie, i can't take you home today. something came up and i have to stay in work, so you'll see me but i can't take you home." said yoongi. jin frowned and said "can't i stay with you the whole day?" yoongi refused. "no, you need to go home. you're probably really tired, plus your sugar gliders need feeding and so does holly." jin agreed, said goodbye and hung up the phone.

"would you be able to take me home? i don't have a car..." said jin, shyly. jimin smiled and said "of course!"

a while later, the two got back to jin's and yoongi's home. it was huge. it looked really modern, and had big windows (which obviously had blinds that would come down for privacy). jimin almost felt a little jealous. his house was quite nice, but not as nice as this.

"come on, let's go inside." said jin, unlocking the front door. "what? uh, aren't i just dropping you off?" jimin asked, slightly confused. jin laughed and said "you don't seriously think i'm not gonna invite you in for a drink or something to eat? you haven't had breakfast yet, silly." and with that, the two went inside.

"sit down, i'll make you breakfast." said jin, so jimin sat down on a chair at the dining table near the kitchen, waiting for jin to make breakfast.

jin made pancakes with maple syrup drizzled on the top. he also made two cups of tea and passed one cup to jimin. he then gave jimin a plate with 4 pancakes on it, jin had the same.

jimin noticed how every time jin ate, he had a disgusted look on his face. did he not like the pancakes? because jimin thought they were delicious.

"what's wrong, jin?" asked jimin, taking another bite of the pancake. "do you not like them?" he added to the first question. jin shook his head. "no, i do like them... uh, it's nothing. don't worry." said jin, really nervously. jimin nodded his head and continued to eat, still a little concerned.

a while later, the two sat down to watch TV. jin couldn't help but feel disgusting...

for fucks sake jin, stop eating so much! you pig.

you're so fucking fat.

i told you to stop eating...

do you know how many calories are in those pancakes?!

fat ugly piece of shit.

why couldn't that voice in jin's head leave him alone for once and let him enjoy life? well, it never left him alone. i fact it was with him 24/7, yet it was so well hidden. yoongi lived with jin, yet he had no clue about this monster living inside jin's pure mind, spreading its darkness around jin's beautiful, bright mind, until one day it will be completely black, with nothing but hatred.

"jin? jin?!" jin didn't realise jimin had been trying to get his attention. jin snapped out of his trance and looked at jimin. "huh..? oh, sorry jimin hyung, i was day dreaming..." said jin, sort of lying. jimin chuckled and said "yoongi called me saying he was coming home early, so when he's back i'll leave." said jimin. jin nodded his head, soon falling asleep on the sofa.

jin woke up, what felt like immediately, although he wasn't on the sofa anymore, but in his own pastel pink bed. he looked next to him, to see yoongi sat on the edge of the bed scrolling through his phone.

"hyung..?" said jin, rubbing his eyes from sleeping. yoongi lifted his head from his phone, placing the phone on the side table. "hey, you ok? jimin told me you were kinda 'out of it' earlier." said yoongi, concern plastered all over his face. jin nodded his head. "i'm fine yoongi hyung.. i promise." another lie.

"alright then, we'll i've ordered pizza so no one has to cook tonight." said yoongi. he stood up, about to leave the room, before jin stopped him. "wait... d-did you carry me to my room?" asked jin, nervously. "yeah, i did. how else did you think you got here silly?" yoongi said, playfully.

tears started to form in jin's eyes but he managed to hide them. "a-am i heavy...?" he asked, terrified of the answer. however, he knew the answer would be 'yes' anyway, that would only motivate to starve anymore, which was good, right?

"no jin, you're no where near heavy. why? do you think you're heavy?" yoongi asked, furrowing his eyebrows. jin smiled and shook his head, lying again, however he knew yoongi had to be lying. he was fat, wasn't he?

yoongi smiled and left jin's room. that's when jin remembered about the pancakes! he quickly ran to his en-suite and lifted the toilet seat.

⚠️bulimia trigger warning⚠️

jin kneeled down by the toilet after making sure the door was locked. he stuck two fingers down his throat until he could feel himself start to heave. he quickly removed his fingers when he felt the vomit travel up his throat.

all he ate was now in the toilet bowl. he quickly flushed the toilet, wiped his mouth and drank some water to get rid of the foul taste.

what had he become?


hope y'all are liking this so far...

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