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"I'll call the police", I said.

I guess I just leave it like this. Leave it like the demanding sentence it is, with no comment and purposely provoking. "I'll call the police." This was a sentence that has a scaring character attached to it, but also has a slim touch of self irony in its words. Although it loses its glitter and glory if you make use of it too often, just like a burned out marriage. That probably was the reason why my boyfriend solely gave me a tired smirk as soon as this small but usually powerful sentence left my lips.

Even before he said it I knew what he was going to say, the only logical response in that situation to be honest. "I don't believe you." Here you go, but no wonder you didn't need to study psychology to track down this genius path of thoughts that led him to this conclusion, but I did it anyway.

We often say that we'll do things, even though we are not really planning on doing them in the first place and the more we say it the more unlikely it gets that we will ever do them. We just try to convince others and ourselves that we are in fact on the verge of doing them but at the same time take everything as an excuse not to do them like a strange attempt to fool karma. It was the same for me. "I'll call the police" was my self-made insult for days like this when the peace at our home got lost and we couldn't get it back even after endless tears and broken plates.

You can say something so often that its sense slowly drifts away and you start questioning the language as a whole or until you just feel stupid, that's a possibility too.

However, I felt different this time, maybe it was the tone of my voice, maybe I gave myself more time to pronounce every single word or maybe it was just some kind of madness coming over me, but this time I really called the police.

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