february 23rd

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go look up/listen to Talking to the Moon by Kream
it's so freaking beautiful and the lyrics fit so well with the story so i had to share <3


He had meant what he said to Jungkook 100%. Every word of it. Including his claim to go to the airport every day, should no letter ever come.

There weren't any more letters. And Yoongi chose to be honest with himself; it did make him feel uneasy. But he also chose to be positive, to have faith in Jimin, because he genuinely did not know what he would do if Jimin never came back.

He had done a lot of thinking these past few days. And they had been excruciating.

Of course he had missed Jimin all those days he was away. But now it seemed to hit all at once. And he couldn't help but wonder if this were how Jimin had felt.

No, he couldn't adequately compare his situation to Jimin's. He wished he could, but at least he had tangible proof of Jimin being alive, and a confession to go with it. But Jimin had neither of those, no signs Yoongi was even around, no surefire hope his feelings would be returned.

Jimin had nothing but a plane ticket. So Yoongi swore he wouldn't let that go to waste.

Fortunately for him, Yoongi's work schedule was flexible, and so he requested off for the next week and swore he'd make it up afterwards. He didn't want to risk missing Jimin by only showing up when he didn't have work. He was determined.

Determined to be there. To just be there. To prove something to Jimin, in that moment. To show Jimin it wasn't all for nothing.

It wasn't an ideal atmosphere. For Yoongi, he discovered, airports discomforted him, from the noises, to the clusters of people, the disorder that appeared to be everywhere and had since been accepted as the norm. Yoongi hated being around too many people at once. And to just be sitting idly, yet anxiously at the same time... In some random waiting seat, the closest to where Jimin would probably arrive after getting off his plane. He had to stay attentive. He knew that was vital. Since Yoongi didn't hold the position as the tallest person at the airport, not at all, seeing past or over the bustling people was a struggle.

For Jimin. This was all for Jimin. Who, also, was not the tallest or most easily spotted in crowds. Yoongi could only hope his eyes would catch sight of him anyway.

No letters. Every morning he checked before taking a bus to the airport. No letters, yet he knew his mother had learned her lesson in hiding them. She had no reason to anymore.

No letters. What if he never gets mine?

Paranoia. With each time a plane landed from Incheon and Yoongi never saw him.

At one point a woman whose flight had apparently been canceled approached Yoongi, asking him if he were alright because she had noticed the boy on edge, sitting in one spot without moving for quite a while. And he assured her everything was alright - well, he tried to.

"When's the last time you've eaten?" She had asked him.

"Don't remember," he'd replied with uncertainty. "Maybe last night after I got home. If even then."

"It's almost eight p.m."

"Time flies sometimes, I guess..."

The woman had left him soon after that. Perhaps her flight was here or something, Yoongi thought briefly - truthfully his ears tuned out essentially everything that didn't include the city name Incheon. That was all that concerned him. Not his increasing hunger steadily making him feel sick, or the dizziness he didn't know whether had come from that hunger or his restless heart.

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