The Third Wife

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A/N: I have now edited this story, but there maybe still be a few mistakes. Tell me what you think.

It was early October in 1537. The trees were just changing colour and I was helping Jane Seymour into her night gown. She looked down at her stomach. Jane was King Henry VIII's third wife and was approximately 9 months pregnant. She was due to give birth any day now. She had been complaining of back pain for a few days now, but other then that there had been no other signs.

"I really hope it's a boy, Bee," Jane whispered. Everyone called me Bee, but my real name was Beatrice. My father was quite high up in the royal court and friends with the King. He had managed to get me a job here at Hampton Court Palace. I was Jane's lady in waiting. I was only a few years younger than Jane and we were really close friends.

"I'm sure it will be," I replied. Just then King Henry VIII waddled in. His stomach swayed as he walked. He really liked his food and alcohol.

"My darling Jane, how are you?" The King bent down and placed his hands on his wife's stomach, "and how are you my little prince? Oh I almost forgot! Charles!"

One of the castles servants walked quickly in, holding a little box. Charles was one of the older servants here and had been working with Henry before I was born. Henry picked up the box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful, golden bracelet. Jane held out her arm so Henry could put it on.

"Oh it's wonderful My Lord! I love it," she exclaimed. She turned her wrist about as she admired the bracelet. Suddenly she screamed out in pain, her hands grabbing her stomach.

Jane's breathing became laboured. Sweat started to drip down from her forehead. The King started to panic.

"The baby is coming Your Highness," I shouted over Jane's screams.

"Go fetch the physician Beatrice," Henry ordered.

The King was the only one who didn't call me Bee. He had managed to compose himself for just a few moments, to tell me what to do. I dashed out of Jane's quarters and ran down the corridors, before flying down a flight of stairs. I had never known myself to run so fast.

"Physician, physician, the baby is coming," I managed spluttered out. I was huffing and puffing by the time I had reached the physician's quarters.

"What did you say Bee?" he asked.

He was huddled over a table, which had herbs and spices scattered over it. He wasn't the neatest person but he was a great physician.

"Her Highness is having the baby. The King has commanded that you go to her immediately." I replied.

"Ok then, lead the way,"

He picked up his leather case. He was quite fit for his age and managed to keep up with my brisk walk. By the time we got to Jane's quarters, a few mid-wives had bowls of warm water and towels ready to go. Jane was lying on the bed with The King kneeling beside her, holding her hand. Her forehead had a damp towel on it, trying to cool her down. I started to walk over to Jane, wanting the comfort her in this time of pain, but I was stopped by one of the mid-wives.

"Sorry Beatrice, but you can't be with Jane at the moment. We'll call you when something happens. There are already enough people here to help her," a midwife explained.

Everyone looked over to Jane as she let out another moan.

"Of course, but promise you'll call me if anything happens."

"I promise."

For three nights and two days I sat outside Jane's quarters. Every time someone walked out I looked up hoping that they would tell me what was happening. Not one person even looked in my direction. On the third night, Princess Mary, the King's eldest daughter, who had been with Jane the whole time, came out and told me the good news.

"It's a boy, Bee," she exclaimed.

Her voice sounded happy but there was a worried look on her face.

"What is wrong?" I asked.

"The birth was long and complicated. Jane is very weak. There is talk that she might die. My Father has seen this before. His mother died of it" She said with great sadness.

"May I see her?"

"Of course."

I walked in slowly, not knowing what to expect. Jane was lying on her four poster bed, holding her son. She had dark circles under her eyes and her skin was very pale. The King was sitting beside her, holding her hand and looking lovingly at their son.

"Your Highness'," I acknowledged them, curtsying deeply.

"Bee come and have a look at our son. Isn't he beautiful?" Jane said.

I stepped a little closer. The baby boy had his father's red hair and his mother's dark eyes. He was a beautiful baby.

"He is," I replied.

"I'm sorry Beatrice, but you must go now. Jane needs to rest." The King said.

"As you wish, Your Highness. Have a good night."

I curtsied again and left the room.

A few days later, on the 15th of October, a christening was held for the new baby boy. He was christened Edward. Jane was getting weaker by the day and was only able to briefly attend the christening. Princess Mary was made his godmother.

For the next week and a bit I visited Jane every day, tending to her every need. She continued to grow weak but no one gave up on her. Every day the church was filled with people praying for a miracle that she would recover from the childbirth fever, which so often claimed so many lives. On the morning of 24th of October I was called into the King's chamber. What the King was about to say would be something I would never forget. I walked in carefully. He was wearing black, the colour of mourning. I could feel the tears starting to fill my eyes, but I had to remain strong.

"I'm terribly sorry to tell you Beatrice, but Jane was pronounced dead this morning," His voice was shaking slightly and I could see tears starting to form. "This means that The Queens no long requires your services. I have discussed your father what is to become of you. As recognition and appreciation for your devotion to the late Queen I have had my advisors find you a cottage not far from here. It has a vegetable garden to keep you busy and a big stable for horses. You have a few hours to pack before Charles will take you there. I wish you all the best."

This was a lot to take in all at once. No more Jane, no more job and a new house. I was not sure what to do or say.

"I realise these are difficult times we are in right now, but there is not much more I can do," Henry continued.

"I understand Your Highness. It is just a lot to take in all at once. I thank you for the opportunities you have given me. I wish you all the best in the future. Good bye."

I was not sure what to do now. My beloved Jane was gone but I now had a cottage for myself. I headed back to my room, thinking that maybe lying down would help clear my head. I sighed. My heart was hoping this was a night mare and when I woke everything would be as before, but my head was telling me this was reality. I knew unfortunately it was all too true.

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