How They Meet

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"Dad, may I go to college?" 

"Now, why would you want to go to college when you don't need to?"

"I want to own my own business and be able to support myself." 

"Sandra, we are a different type of family, people there will criticize you and treat you differently just because they know you're my daughter. But, if you think you can handle it be my guest. On one condition once you start you have to finish. I'm not having things go around saying my daughter dropped out because, she couldn't take it. Is that understood?" 

"Yes dad." 

With that I walk away, I walk to my room and start doing my applications. I'm going to be the best business women by the time I graduate. No more spoiled Sandra. 


I walk onto the campus, looking around is so much to take in. So many buildings and so many people walking around trying to not be late to their next class. I stand there for a good minute, taking deep breaths. I wispier to myself, this is it. 

I walk into my first class, financial independence. Honestly, probably the least favorite of the classes i'm taking but, I got to start at the bottom and work my way up.  As I walk down the aisle there isn't many seats left. The only ones I can tell is in the front and I prefer to be down there anyways. As I sit down I notice someone is watching me to my left. He just keeps staring. Like what the fuck is their to look at. I completely ignore it and as the professor walks in I watch him with every move. He calls our names out and as I heard my name. He paused, said it with nervousness as I responded...

 "I'm right here."

"Yes, I know you're here." He responded. 

I kinda got mad at the fact he responded with that but, I couldn't expect anything more. The man was still watching me. Did he know me? My dad? As I got distracted, I put my mind back onto the professor and continued my notes. About another hour went by the class was finally over. I gather my things and make my way to my car. For some reason, I only have one class today which, I am not complaining about. I look over my shoulder and notice him following me. 

I don't know what came over me.

"What the fuck do you want? All class you were watching me and now you're following me. What the actual fuck. Leave me the hell alone." 

Before I knew it his hands were around my throat, I couldn't breath. He just watched me for a moment before he asks. 

"What's your name?"

I could barely talk but, I still had the strength to say it. 

"Sandra Lee" 

"Okay, how about you do me a little favor?" 

"Like hell." 

He squeezed tighter and I could feel myself going dizzy now. 

"I need you to tell your father the Collins are ready." 

"Fuck you, i'm not a messenger." 

"Oh honey, I can do whatever I want right now because your not in control. I suggest you listen for once in your life you spoiled brat." 

He lets go and I feel myself going to the ground. He bends down beside me and lifts my head up and I can feel his eyes piercing at me as I try and catch my breath. 

"Is that understood?" 


And before I know it, he's gone. I grab my things that fell out my hands and drive home.

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