Jungkook's first target

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(Hello my name is sky and this is my first story I have ever written so if it's bad sorry and English is not my first language so with all that enjoy)

Junkook's POV
"I was at a park and I was reading a book on hypnosis because I was always fascinated by it and wanted be able to do it, I mean come on,who wouldn't want to make people do whatever they wanted."
"I finished the book after what seemed like forever, got up from the bench that I sitting on to go home I was about to start walking then, BAMM!,I bumped it to someone and I fell straight on my butt, "Sorry!!" I said,I looked over to see that they had fallen too. I got up and looked down to see that my book was on the floor, first I put out my hand to help them up once I helped them up I went down to see that my book was gone. I looked up to see that they had my book.

I was walking in a park suddenly I bumped into someone and fell,I heard them yell "sorry!" and they quickly got up and put their hand out so they could help me and I took there hand but right before they pulled me up i grab the book they dropped. I got up , this is the first time I got to look at their face they had brown hair ,Brown eyes, And pale skin. In my opinion they look like they could be a model.

Jungkook's POV
I turn to them so I can apologize again and I noticed he was staring at me, "you like what you see" I joke
He immediately looked the other way he looked flustered and annoyed after I said that. "Hey my name is Jungkook really sorry about bumping into you." "It's fine .... oh I forgot here's your book!"he said ,while handing the book back he said "by the way my name is Taehyung by you can call me tae ."

Tae's POV
While I was handing the book back I notice the name of the book was how to learn hypnosis.
To be completely honest I was a little confused because I don't believe in Hypnosis, I just don't understand how somebody could be influenced into doing whatever the other person says. "Hey"I yelled to him to get his attention "do you believe in hypnosis."

No one's POV
"Yes I do said jungkook"  "what about you tae?" "Not at all said tae" there was some silence and then suddenly jungkook's eyes light up and he asked "if you don't believe in hypnosis let me try it on you."

*Sorry it's short I just don't know if anyone wants to read this
Please tell me if I should continue.
Thanks for reading *

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