My new slave

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Tae's POV
"Ummm.... I don't know."
"Oh come on please said jungkook."while making puppy dog eyes.
"Fine."i sigh
"Yay!"yell jungkook

jungkook's POV
"Ok come sit down I said excitedly"
He sat down on the bench and I moved to be in front of him,
Then I took off my necklace which happen to be a pendant (ya sure just happen to have a pendant.) (pick of it above)
I began to swing it in front of his eyes while saying,"Breathe in and out..yes just like that and keep watching the pendant", "As your watching it feel yourself start to relax starting From your feet, to your knees, to your stomach to your shoulders." I notice that his eyes are glued to the pendant. This is when I start to massage his scalp and kept on swing the pendant, I did this for about one more minute,then I stopped swing the pendant and he just stared straight ahead his eyes not focused.
"Hey tae do you hear me?"
"Yes he said blankly."
"Who is your master."
"What is my name."
"Yes that's right,your such a good boy."
"I-I'm a good boy?"
"Yes and do you know what good boys do?"
"They obey their masters."
"Yes and who is your master."
"So who do you have to obey?"
"Y-you I obey my master jungkook."
"Such a good boy you are, you like being a good boy don't you."
He nods his head.
"We'll be a good boy and come home with me."
"Alright master."
I kiss him on the cheek.
"Oh this will be fun..."

(Okay thank you so much for reading, it would help so much if you could comment and tell me what I should do and if you like this story so far.)

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