Charmed again part 2

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Malek Pov
I went back down stairs and set in the living. Max told me that she was going to the elders to asks about that guy being a white lighter. She even said she was going to sneak into the underworld to get some information.

Chris came in with some tea and handed me a cup.

It doesn't seem real does it he asked.
What are we going to do with all her stuff and her car.
We can sell it I told him.
Unless you want it he asked no I said.

Well get through this he told me we just gotta stick together.

Soon max orbed in. What did the elders say I asked.

They don't know anything about him so he not a white lighter she said.
Then how can he orb I asked. I don't know she said .

What about the underworld then. Well what I learn down there is a different story. The source doesn't thinks he a white lighter in fact he thinks this guy is another charmed one. Thats why he put shaxs on he thinks this guy can some how reconstitute the charmed one.

What wait that impossible I said .

Suddenly Chris got up and went to the attic. We followed him up stairs.

What are you doing I asked. I'm going to asked ma what's going on. Ma I asked. Yeah he said. Your destiny still awaits she says there's a reason for everything she said now let's summon her ass back here to find out what that reason is.

But wait I said but he said the spell before I could say anything.
Soon ma appeared.
Chris, malek what's going on.

Ma why does the source thank that the charmed ones can be reconstituted.

I don't know what your talking about she said.

You know ma you was a bad Liar when you were alive and now as a ghost your worse Chris said.

Yeah I told her if you know something you should tell us we deserve to know.

I'm sworn to secrecy ma said

By who I asked.

By me mom said appearing.
Mom i said.

It happened after me and your father had Divorced when me and Jay was together my white lighter.

You were just toddlers, you just thought I got lil fat. You never knew I was pregnant except for mom and jay.

We wanted to keep the baby but mother.

Well I knew it would be disastrous. Before you and max Malek white lighter and witches were forbidden to be together let alone have children ma said.

So we decided to give the baby up. Jay and I took him to a local church and asked the nun there to find him a good home, and he did a real good home she said smiling.

Well that explains why the elders didn't know about him Max's said.

Wait a minute I said you mean to tell me that guy our innocent is actually our brother.

Your baby brother the baby half on my side which makes him a witch well not right now mom said not until your all here by the book like before.

Charmed again ma said.

Suddenly the door bust opened it was Jackie and that other inspector.

Jackie I yelled I'm sorry she said he a cop and he has a warrant.

All my life I knew magic was real I've seen to many bad things to think other wise.

Well you got us so what are you going to do shoot us ma said.

Hey I told ma not all of us are ghost.

I'll be watching you the inspector said imma have cameras watching the house I'll catch you doing something super natural. Soon Jackie hit him over the head and he was out.

Sorry about that she said you've been through enough today.

Well this is great said Chris.

I know your mad about this mom said.

Ah yeah I'm mad, I'm confused. You just can't come in here after all these years and go by the way you have a brother special not today of all days.

Come on ma told mom it's up to them now.
They vanished away.
We went down stairs and I was telling chris where we might can find our brother.

Look said Chris I'm only doing this to save his life I im not interested in reconstituting the charmed ones he said stopping and looking at the door.

It was him he was standing in the door way.

The door was open he said. I'm sorry I shouldn't be here he said turning to leave.

No no no I said running after him. We were just coming to look for you.

You were he asked yeah I told him.

Come on in I said grabbing his arm. I'm Malek and this is Chris I told him.

Hey he said to Chris, hey Chris said and your name is he asked. Fredrick my name is Fredrick he said.

It's nice to met you Chris said shaking his hand.
The light shined down on us.
What was that Fred asked.

I think that means your suppose to be here max said .

Suddenly shax came in knocking us down with his wind.

Max jumped on his back and told us to run up stairs.

We made it to the attic okay I told Fred read this out load with us.

What are you some witches he asked yeah I told him and so are you we hope.

Soon shax came in and we said the spell and soon he blew up.

It's not enough that was just the messenger we gotta get the source I said .

The source of what Fred asked.
Of all evil Chris told him.

What did you turn me into Fred said and ran out the door.

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