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A/N hey everything that in posted before this post we're all pre- written for months ago so now I'm gonna continue this story but somethings might be a little different and might be low key long...hope you enjoy :)

Once I get home the first thing I do is plop down on my basic but expensive couch. I turn to look at the time on the clock on my wall and I see both hands on the three. I turn on the tv and watch " bad girls club" just to pass time.

What have felt like minutes later I look back once again at the white clock and it reads 6:52. I get up from my warm spot in the beige couch and head to my bathroom.

I slip off all my clothes and turn the water to the some what hot temperature. I hop in and just stand there to feel the hot water going through my hair and down my back. I grab my favorite body wash and wash my body as I let the shampoo sit in my hair

I wrap the red towel around my body and head to my room. I look at my phone and read the time 7:07. I hurried and grabbed my black skin tight dress and my lace bra and slipped them on. I did my makeup as fast and simple as I can. I had on my peach eye shadow, false lashes, and just some lip gloss and highlighter.

I hear ding from my phone and I saw I texted from David
Was all it said. I slipped on my fashion nova black high heels and walked out the door. I saw David's red Ferrari sitting In front of my apartment

"Hey babe" he says in a flirty tone

"Babe?" I say in a questionable way

" yep...you look gorgeous you know" he says as he looks at me as I get into to brand new vehicle

" thanks" I say as I shut the door

He puts the car in drive and drives into the city. The sunset was a beautiful purple/orange with stratus clouds. We pull up to the Patina Restaurant and see all the glass windows on the outside and huge metal structures.We hop out of his car start walking to the entrance

" why did you park so far away?" I laughed a little as I see how far the restaurant is.

" I just wanted to" he smiled and grabbed my skinny hands into his firm grasp.

" what if we are seen" I say as I try to move my hand

" and" he said as if I just asked a ridiculous questioned

We continue to walk and once we are right I front I look around the outside and see how gorgeous it was

" Liza" I hear David say as he has the door open for me

"Sorry" I say as I speed walk to the door

" it's ok" he chuckles

We walk into the restaurant and see the person at the stand greeting people as they walk in. we walk up to the stand and get greeted as well

" a table for dobrik" he says and looks at me with a smile

" of course come this way mr and mrs dobriks" the person grabs three menus and brings us to the table at the end of the restaurant.

I give David a weird look when the waiter said mr and mrs but all he did is shrug his shoulders. Once we get the the table the waiter puts down the menu and leaves us. I take a seat next to David and give him a little smile

" what time will she be here?" I ask looking at my Apple Watch

" she should be here any minute" he says looking at his phone

" so... why am I here? Is her boss gonna be here too?" I ask kinda awkwardly considering i know she likes him in some type of way.

" nope just us and her" he continues to look at his phone

" is there a purpose why I am here?" I ask still feeling awkward

" I just wanted you here" he says looking up and giving me a smile

" alright then" I blush and turn away from the handsome man sitting next to me

MR.DOBRIK//DIZA💗Where stories live. Discover now