Chapter1(10 years ago)

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Shawn's POV

I was sitting down on my little chair paired with a little table, i was drawing my favorite cartoon characters. I was about to color the eyes of Blossom (she's my favorite character/super hero from power puff girls in case you didn't notice) when my mother started shouting at my father.Again. which made me squeal in horror i mean lets face it i was 7, how do you expect me to react? And before i knew it i was crying my heart out, they have been like that for the past 7 years of my existance and sadly i cant do anything about it.

"Shut up slut! We're trying to do something here! I dont want to hear your annoying sobs! Go to your room! NOW!" and with that said i scrambled up to my room, you see my parents aren't exactly the best kind they are the worst.ever. they were the abusive type verbally, mentally and.....physically. i despise them. They don't treat me like their own, they even told me i was a mistake, sometimes i hope that they still love me....... But who am i kidding? I mean you heard them right? They said the don't care about me, their own daughter, heck! They also called me a slut! And in such a young age i happen to know what 'slut' means. I also know a lot of mean things from them, they called me names, I mean who does that? Well apperantly parents..... So now i am stuck in my room covering myself with my pink blanket i was in between my sobs when someone was throwing pebbles at my window i stood up and saw the Jacobs twins with their father with them they were smiling at me and motioned me to open the window

"Hi there little Shawnta.." Mr. Jacobs smiled at me

"Hi Mr. Jacobs..." I said with my high squeaky voice i smiled sadly still sniffing due to my crying

"Wanna go to our house and play barbie dolls with the twins? It would be fun..." Mr. Jacob said with a mix of concern and worry, the twins just smiled at me and i smiled as well

"Okay....." I jumped out of the window. I know. I know. What a crazy thing to do since our house was a two story kind and my room was on the second floor    and there was a 99% of me  being killed But Mr. Jacobs said He'll catch me so it's okay i trust him more than my so called parents which is a big deal for me if i may add. They've been doing this since my parents started to be abusive. So i spend the day with the twins. The Jacobs has been nothing but good to me they always know when i needed help i mean who wouldn't? They only live like 10 meters away from where we are so its not that big of a deal to them. I treat them as my real family unlike my biological ones.

I was having fun when suddenly i felt someone grabbing my hand and shouting nasty things to the Jacobs Family. I cried and cried and once again i cant do anything about it so i just let my parents drag me to a little girls nightmare. When we arrived at our house my mother grabbed something and threw it at me. It was a little basketball but for a little girl it hurt a lot. I cried they are very abusive when they wanted to. I hated them. They were nothing to me and so was i to them.

" you little b*tch! How dare you run away?!" My so called father said

"I......i......" I stuttered shaking in my spot

"Pft! You know what? I don't care, we don't care, as if you run away someone's going to get you! I mean lets face it! Even we don't love you! NO ONE will ever love you! Your a disgrace! You will never feel love! Get out of our sight!" My hands were shaking due to anger and fear

With a hand full of tears i left the house, i ran, i don't know where though, but i felt like running, at the corner of the park i saw a tree it was starting to rain so i figured it was a good choice to make it as a temporary shelter-but thats what i thought i was shivering like a Chihuahua, after a while of torturous coldness i felt a warm hand touch my cold shoulders

" hi Shawnta, wanna go back to our house and drink a cup of chocolate?" Mr. Jacobs said carrying an umbrella  with a warm smile on his face

"With marshmallows?" I said with a small smile despite that i gone through a break out session

"Sure..." Mr. Jacobs said

I felt secure with the Jacobs with me i felt the happiness i was longing for. But as i grew up i wanted more that's why i became what my 'parents' called me......a SLUT......



(Sorry for the short chapter)

Hi guys! So this is the first chapter of What's behind the slut hope i didn't bored you this is basically just about Shawnta's past  so yeah..... Sorry for the wrong grammar or wrong spellings this is actually my first book so please leave the mean comments behind i would really appreciate that and hopefully I'll try to update soon that's all! Thanks for reading

And one more thing please comment if you want me to continue the book or not because i really want to know anyway thanks again!

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