Chapter 1: Why Him?

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Hai! So I'm gonna always post art before the chapter and have a little A/N at the beginning so it's not at the end. Anyways welcome to the first chapter of this story!
I also want to say that there is a hidden message in these chapters. Will you find them before I finish this book? Let's find out!

I always follow directions, too scared to face my own family's wrath. It's sad to be scared of them, but what can I do when I'm literally raised by assassins.

Yeah, my whole family kills people. Even the little kids learn to kill. Not a lot fun things and I'm the odd one of the bunch. I don't like killing.

Yet if I don't do it, I'll definitely get casted out. Then what will I do? Whatever, I've learned to manage.

"Y/N! Mom wants you downstairs!" Navi, my older sister, called out. I rolled my eyes and walked out of my room then walked downstairs.

There were guards in the living room, standing next to a man I despise. The High Priest Zane. I kept a poker face once everyone in the room's attention were on me.

Zane gave me a look with his one blue eye and back at my mom. Mom right away grabbed my arm and lightly pulled me closer to them.

"This is Y/N. She's the best assassin we have so far. And of course she knows who you are, Your Honor." My Mom introduced. She was sugar coating him.

Zane once again looked at me and gave me a small nod. My mom had let go of me and stepped aside so it was basically just him and I.

He grabbed my hand and shook it. I shook it back.

"Pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I have heard of the... wonderful things you have done." He greeted. I cringed inside at the mention of my job but I smiled lightly.

"Its an honor to meet the High Priest Zane himself. But please, do tell me. Why is someone as important as you doing in a place like this?" I asked. Yes I'm fake, I got to get around somehow.

My mom had walked out of the room to give us some privacy and he gestured to the guards to leave too. I could literally kill him here right now if I wanted to. What a fool he was.

"Your parents haven't told you? Well I guess I'll give you the good news. Your father has decided to work for me. So you along with the rest, will all be working for me." He informed. My heart shattered but I made no reaction to what I really felt.

I smiled once again and nodded. "Well that's great. I'm sure my family won't disappoint you." I said. He raised his eyebrow at me. "Will you?" He asked.

That question took me a little by surprise. But I simply replied, "So long as I can do my job right you won't be." He chuckled and shook my hand again.

"Good. I don't want to see such a strong woman like you crumble. It would be a shame, at least you're on our side." He said before walking out of the room. Probably to go talk to my mom.

Once he was out of sight I bolted to my room. How could my own father do that?! Zane is a man that should be put to the steak and be burned alive. Someone who has hurt so many innocent people just to get what he wants. How could I work with someone like that. I can't take it.

I grabbed my bag and began to get things from the room. Clothes, money, my cloak, and most important a small music box.

This little box has a nice story behind it. A little girl gave it to me when I had secretly saved her from a burning fire my little brother caused. I wonder how she's doing right now, oh well.

Finally I had gotten everything ready and I slid open my window. I took one last glance at my empty room then I jumped out and made no noise while landing.

The forest was just out in my backyard since we lived in a rural area. So that's where I ran to, which hopefully I would be unnoticed. I don't want to be tried for disrespecting the High Priest. Yes Zane would do that, his guards once beat a man to death for giving Zane the wrong look. What a disgusting thing, I'm the same species as someone like him.

Anyways I felt like I was far away from my own home so I began to walk. It was already sunset, if I didn't find a village nearby I'll just make a campfire and call it a night.

A few more minutes of walking I stumbled into a village. It was all destroyed and... abonded. There was one house that seemed to be left untouched though. So I went in, I had my dagger out just in case though.

I checked the whole place and there was nothing there. Strange, I had never been outside of O'Khasis and if I was, I was at Tu'la.

Anyways I went to go sleep on one of the beds since it looked like they haven't been used in a while. I wonder what happened to this town.

It was already night but I still wasn't tired. So I was just laying there with a king sized bed. This used to be a family of 3's house. What happened to the people here? It doesn't seem like it was attacked, no signs there were. But still.

After some time, the sleep finally came to me as my eyelids became heavy. So then I went into a deep sleep. Hopefully I wouldn't be found. Especially by the O'Khasis guards.

The Next Day

Something warm was in my face but it wasn't an object. Maybe it was the light of the sun. So I opened my eyes and I was right, it was just the sun peeking through the window blinds. I sat up and looked at my surroundings.

It felt so empty but there was a lot of love in this family. A wall was filled with drawings a kid made and pictures. It was three people who lived here.

A man held a woman with one arm and had the other arm at a small boy. The little boy didn't seem to over 13 yet. Probably 10 or 11. How sad, they looked like such a happy family.

I went on to the drawings. The same people but it said Mommy, Daddy, and Jacob on the paper. Jacob was the little boy's name... Interesting.

Hopefully nobody in this town was hurt. Maybe this village disbanded, I hope so.

After a while I walked out of the house and looked around. A smile crept on my face as realization hit me. I'm free.

Free from a job I was forced to do, free from my own family being cold hearted to everyone, and mostly free from Zane.

So I walked around the town since I decided that I was gonna a leave in a while. This town was close to O'Khasis and I don't want to risk being seen and caught.

That's when I saw a map on a board in what seems to be a plaza. It showed some other villages and places nearby. There was a village all the way across O'Khasis and at the edge of Ru' Aun.

It was called Phoenix Drop. And that was where my next stop was. Then I looked to the place where I was at. "Hm... Falcon Claw." I mumbled and smiled.

I grabbed my stuff and left the abonded village to make my way to Phoenix Drop.


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