Chapter 3: Ever Thought About A New Lord?

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It had been a couple of hours and it was already day time. The villagers were out of their house now. And yet again, Aphmau was walking around. This time she was talking to the people and looking around at the place. So I began to walk to her until I noticed two people up on the same hill I was at before.

The one in the front had a black mask on but I could still see his brown hair and green eyes. The other one was behind him but he also had a mask. His black hair and blue eyes were visible though. 

There eyes were looking down at the village but then they shifted at me. Both of them stood up straight and walked away. I squinted my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows. I don't think they were from here. I hand't seen anyone like them before.

Anyways I kept walking once I didn't see them and went to Aphmau. She had her back to me but she quickly turned around and smiled at me. 

"Oh hey, Y/N. I didn't see you yesterday." She greeted. i smiled back at her and looked over the trees where the shore was. 

"I fell asleep the whole day and when I woke up it was already nighttime. Anyways it's kind that you did this for the village. You know, the new path and all." I said. he looked down to the floor and giggled. "Well it was something that had to be done since it looked like no one was gonna do it." She added. I nodded and saw Garroth behind her still looking down to the road.

"I'm sure Garroth is grateful." I told her. She looked behind her and nodded then looked back at me. "I don't know him much. But I heard they didn't have a Lord." She replied. "Yeah he told me. But I think a new Lord will come up sooner than expected." I mumbled.

She tilted her head. "Hm? What makes you say that?" She asked. I put my hands up and shrugged. "Don't know. I just have a feeling. Anyways I'll see you around, Aphmau." I said before I began to walk away. She waved at me and then went off her own direction to Garroth. 

I walked around a little bit more and I ended up on the hill again. There was no sign that those two were ever here. Was it just my imagination? Couldn't be, I know I'm not crazy. Right?

What more could I do here? Maybe look through the stuff I brought. I mean, I was getting hungry so I sat down on the dirt and brought my supplies out of my back pack.

I began to eat while I kept looking at my things. It's probably a good idea to change quickly somewhere. I'll find a private place at some point. The music box was next to me but I didn't want to play it just in case it brought attention to me. A picture frame, it had a family painting in it. We had a lot of money and my parents wanted to make sure that we had a memory of our family.

My dad stood tall with his arm around my mother. She had her hand placed on the chair where I sat. My seven year old brother was on my right with my thirty year old sister behind him. Then last but not least my twenty seven year old brother was on my right. None of us had a smile on. I even had a frown. Yep, that's my family. I still love them.

I'm gonna be honest, I felt a little homesick, but I couldn't back down now. My parents would be furious with me if they found out I tried to run away. Even Zane would be furious. So I'll stick with what I have decided. At least I won't have to kill more people anymore. 

Footsteps. I heard footsteps behind me and I pulled the music box on my lap. Just in case it was a thief or something. I turned around to see Garroth once again. he seems to be the only person who talks to me everyday. 

"Good afternoon, Lady Y/N." He greeted. I smiled and greeted back, "Good day to you, Sir." I looked back to the village and closed my eyes. I felt really... content. "You have a beautiful village here." I mumbled. I heard him stand next to me. "Yeah... If you like it so much, maybe you should stay here." He suggested.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. I couldn't see his expression since the helmet hid his identity. "You... Aren't serious, right?" I tell him. A small nervous chuckle escaped from me. He stayed quiet so I tapped his shin. His head turned down to look at me.

"Sit, real quick." I suggested. He hesitated but did as I told him. "Why would you want me to stay here?" I asked. He shrugged and turned back to the village, it was getting dark now. "I don't know. Why can't you?" He asked me this time. It took me a minute to come off with an excuse.

My eyes went back to the village as I replied to him, "I wanna find a place of my own. Far away from my old home. But I can't if I'm so close to it." The wind began to pick up. "Trust me I know what it's like to want to start fresh. This place has the right start for it. I'm sure you won't regret it." He suggested.

Garroth was really trying to persuade me, I wonder why. He didn't know me but maybe it was because of the lack of population this village has. "I'll think about it." I mumble. He nods and that makes me let out a sigh of relief.

I layed back down on the ground and closed my eyes. "Thank you, Sir Garroth." I said. My hand was on the ground and I felt his metal gloved finger graze against mine. I made no expression though.

"Anytime, Lady Y/N. I should get back to the village. It seems to be getting dark now. Goodnight, Miss." Garroth said before standing up and walking away. "Night..."


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