Chapter 1 Jerome

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~*Hi everyone this is my first story. I'm not that great in English or making a story but I want all of your opinions to improve. Also, this story will be in spanglish. Hope you guys like this first chapter*~

It sucks that summer is over and I need to go to college. I hate that place but at least it's my final year. I will not have to see those losers again in my life. People over there daydream about a goal they're never going to reach, they are just so naive. Unless you are someone like me. You'll see I'm gonna own the fabric of my parents one day. But for now, I need to get out of bed and prepare myself to go to college.

"Honey, breakfast is ready!" said Mom.

"I'm coming Mom". Well, I just gonna wear these bottom shirt of Zara for my first day I guess. "Mom where are my keys?".

"Here you go sweetheart, have a nice day at college," said Mom.

"Thanks, mom, I love you". I went out of the house directly to my BMW. Start the engine and head out. By the way, I'm running late to my first class.

Finally, I arrived! Oh, there is Eric, he is my closest friend. He is like a big brother to me and also he is part of the Olympic fighting team. He is this type of men that you just fall in love when you see it just like Jason Momoa.

I get out of the car and walk towards him. "Hey Eric, how are you? Did you have a great summer vacation?"

"Hey bro, I'm great and the summer was amazing. How about you?" said Eric.

"Well you know mine was good I went on a family vacation to Europe. Do we have any class together?" I said.

"That's great Jerome! Well let me see your enrollment... mmm I'm afraid we have no class together, but hey we can still see each other at the gym in the evening" said Eric.

"Of course see you then later". Well, I should probably go to class now.

Oh well, that class was supposed to last at least 3 hours but it's just the first day so the professor let us go. My paper said that my next class is ethics. This is stupid why do I need the ethics if I'm gonna be the boss one day. I just need to find that classroom and ... oh fuck!

"Hey watch where you're going asshole!" I said to that kid who just hit me.

"Uuhh, lo siento. I was distracted with facebook" said the kid.

Oh great now we have latinos here. "You don't know who I am. Do not mess with me again. Get moving!" I yelled at the kid. Well, this is it, classroom E125. I just hope there are pretty girls in this class and a nice professor. Not one of those that send you assignments when you are on holidays.

I'm just gonna pick a chair in the row next to the wall and ... wait is that? That's the same stupid guy who just hit me in the hall. Unbelievable do we have the same class? God, I'm already hating this.

Like the previous class, this one was supposed to end like in 3 hours but the professor asks to present ourselves. One by one I heard the classmates until it was the turn of that dumb boy.

"Good morning everyone my name is Gabriel. I'm from a small island call Puerto Rico also known as La Isla del Encanto. I have 20 year's and I hope to accomplish a bachelor's degree in chemistry" said Gabriel.

Oh, he is not from Mexico well is all the same anyway. Puerto Rico... it's my turn now.

"Hey, my name is Jerome. This is my last year here and when I get out I'm gonna take responsibility for the family's business which is a fabric of cosmetics" I said.

"Well everybody it was a pleasure to meet you all the class is dismissed for today," said the professor.

The rest of the morning was more of the same nothing interesting happened. Until the middle of the day. The college organized from 12 - 2 pm like a type of freshman welcome party at the court.

This is my favorite part of the college, the court. We have teams for every sport. We have basketball, volleyball, baseball, ping pong, and others. I headed over there to find almost all the people already enjoying the activities. Far over the crow, I saw Eric. So I decided to go over to him and stay for a little while. He was talking with some other friends of his, about this girl that wanted to meet Eric. She wrote him in one of his IG stories. "It would be so nice to meet you in person one day *heart emoji*". Eric just sent her back a *wink emoji* not too sure of what to say but it is the correct answers for anything.

"You guys lets go on the front of the stage I want to see the dance team performance," said one of Eric's friends.

We headed to the stage to see the dance team, The Garnets, they have always wear something with the color of garnet and makes splendid uniforms. They perform a medley of Rihanna's hits Rude Boy, Only Girl, Where Have You Been, What's my Name and Work. With them everything was extra and this performance was the proof.

So I have spent almost 1:30 hrs here. I must be going now. I need to lunch and then head back to two more classes.

"Eric I'm leaving now take care men," I said. Now, where do I wanna eat maybe at Wendy's? Yes. By the time I arrived in Wendys, there was no line so I decided to go to the bathroom for a moment and when I came out there was these group of 4 people and among them, there was the stupid kid from my class, Gabriel the Mexican. What the hell does he think he is doing? I was in the line first!

"Not you again! Mexican guy move I was here first" I said.

"Pero y a este que carajo le pasa? Listen, men, I was in the line first and I'm not moving. You should be more careful about how do you express yourself.  And for the record I'm from Puerto Rico" said Gabriel.

"I don't care!". I notice that everybody was watching us fight. Then the manager came to us and ask if there's was a problem. To which, I said, "Yes, this guy over here just took my spot in the line and he doesn't want to move".

The manager just stood there like a stupid he didn't even do anything. Instead, he asks me to leave the Wendys. How outrageous of him kicking me out.

Now what I'm supposed to eat? I will just buy some chicken strips at Popeye's. 

My lunch break is over now I mostly go to my finals two classes which I was avoiding all my years. Spanish 3 and a Chemist 1. And for no good reasons Mexican guy was at chemist 1 with me two. Thanks, Universe! What did I do to deserve this?

Anyway classes were over for today so I head back to my home to encounter my mother cooking some pasta with chicken and garlic bread.

"Hi sweetheart how was your first day?" said Mom.

"It was awful Mom first this stupid Mexican guy hit me in the halls, then he cut in front of me in the line at Wendy's and he is with me in two classes! If you see it, Mom, he is just so ignorant and he thinks he knows everything".

"Mmmmm sound like you are going to have hard times this semester hahaha. Honey you just need to give him an opportunity to know him maybe he is a good guy".

Mom was serving me a plate of pasta. Everything was delicious. Mom's cooking skills were great. I finished the plate full of pasta like in 5 minutes and went to my room to play Super Smash Bros Ultimate. If I was good at something was in playing battle video games like this one. I stood awaked like at 1:00 am playing and then I when to sleep. Tomorrow is another routine. Goodnight Universe.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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