Lianna's Diary

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"You're still asleep?" Mom asked when she entered my room.

I didn't mind her and just shifted to a more comfortable spot. I heard Mom walking to somewhere in my room. I groaned when I got blinded by the bright light. I opened my eyes and saw that she opened the window.


"Get up. I know it's a weekend, but that's not enough reason for you to sleep 'til dusk," she said. "And please, clean your room."

I sat upright. "Mom, I love you," I said before smiling at her, hoping it'll work on her.

She chuckled. "Nice try," she said before exiting the room.

I sighed and stretched my arms. I walked to the bathroom and did my morning routine. I then went back to my room and started picking up some of my clothes that were scattered on the floor.

I dumped my clothes in the clothes bin and placed them outside my room. After that, I started fixing my sheets, and I dusted some action figures from my figurine case.

I have been tidying up for almost an hour when I have decided to sit on the floor and lean on my bed. I was about to grab my phone when a pink object caught my attention.

It was underneath my bed, peeking out a little bit. I crawled over to where it was placed, and when I pulled it out, the cover said, "This diary belongs to Lianna Tyler. Do not open!"

"So that's where I placed it," I said to myself. I stood up and sat on my bed before opening Lianna's diary.

"How could she write so much?" I said while scanning through the pages.

A lot of her entries were full of her talking about what she did and learned at school, her random thoughts, and when she watched The Little Mermaid. When I say she watched it a lot, I really mean she watched it a lot.

One entry caught my attention because a picture was attached to it.

October 11, 2006

Dear Diary,

I visited Gabriel today. He didn't go to school because he was sick.

Huh? I actually don't remember what happened on this day.

I asked Mommy to make pumpkin soup because I know how much he likes pumpkin soup whenever he's sick.

Weirdly enough, I did like pumpkin soup whenever I was not feeling well. Mom always makes chicken soup, but I was not fond of it because it tastes bland. The spice of pumpkin soup and its aroma always made me feel better.

He was sleeping when I entered his room. He was wearing his cute superhero pajamas. Here's his picture. Isn't he adorable?

She pasted a picture of me sleeping. My nose and ears were so red. That always happens whenever I'm sick.

I did his homework while waiting for him to wake up, but he didn't, and it was getting dark. I just finished his homework before leaving quietly so he would not wake up.

I hope he'll be happy with what I did today.


I chuckled. So that's why I was surprised that I didn't have to do anything when I returned to school.

"I should've gotten a cold. Maybe she'll do my homework for me again," I told myself.

I started flipping through the pages again. On one entry, there was a picture of her and her dad. They looked very happy in the picture.

I felt guilty for what I have said before. I didn't mean any of it. I got mad, and it suddenly came out. I knew how much Lianna loved her dad. Even in their pictures, you can see how her eye sparkles whenever she's with him.

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