Chapter 3

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Cougar walked through the gates of the amusement park, locking it behind him. He quickly ran to his office, not wanting to get caught by the animatronics. When he got to his office he quickly checked the cameras, nobody had moved yet. He sighed in relief. He noticed a sheet of paper on his desk, he picked it up, it had Phil's number written on it.

Maybe he could give me some tips about handling the animatronics! Cougar thought. He quickly dialed Phil's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello, this is Phil Lyon." Phil said.

"Hi Phil, my name is Cougar Jones." Cougar said. "I'm currently working at Splatter's, and I was wondering if you could give me some advice about the animatronics?"

"Ah, the animatronics." Phil said. "Which ones have you met so far?"

"Nox and Algol." Cougar answered.

"Well, first thing you should know is that those two are the most curious." Phil said. "And that all the animatronics like different things."

"Really?" Cougar asked. "Like what?"

"Shady, the demon girl, is attracted to music." Phil said. "Amy is attracted to silver, including forks and spoons. If you put those things anywhere in the park they will most likely find it, so it's a good idea to put it somewhere far away from the office so they don't bother you."

"Okay, what about the others?" Cougar asked.

"Nox likes to play with anything that moves, including string and laser pointers." Phil said. "Leonidas, the lion with the white eye, likes electricity, so anything electronic will attract him."

Cougar knew that Phil had forgotten someone. "What about Algol?" He asked.

"Algol is probably going to be your biggest problem," Phil said. "I'm not sure what he's attracted to, but he likes to hang around the office a lot, so you may want to keep an eye on him."

Suddenly, the sound of clanking metal came from the hallway.

"I hear metal," Phil said, starting to sound worried. "Which one?"

Cougar glanced at the cameras. "It's Algol." He said, slamming the button on the door. "Why don't they just leave me alone?"

"I don't really know," Phil said. "My guess is that it's because they're the villains in Splatter's stories."

"Well, whatever it is, it's bad." Cougar said. "And we need to fix it."

"I don't think they can be fixed." Phil said. "All we can do is avoid them."

Cougar sighed. "I guess you're right," he said. "But thanks for the information."

"No problem!" Phil said. "If you need anything else, just give me a call." Then Phil hung up.

Cougar glanced at the cameras again, Algol was still at the door. The power was 72% and the time was 1 am.

Then Cougar remembered something, he grabbed his phone and focused it on the camera, then he pressed record. For a few minutes Algol just stood at the door, but he soon turned and walked back down the hall. Then Cougar switched the camera to the Cafeteria, Leonidas was walking across the room, but then he turned his head and stared up at the camera. Then he turned around and kept walking.

Then Cougar turned the camera to himself. "See Miles?" He asked the camera. "I told you they moved around at night." Then he ended the video and sent it to his brother.

Cougar's stomach growled, he opened his bag and got out a bag of chips. Then something shiny caught his eye, he reached into his bag and pulled it out. It was a silver spoon.

He quickly checked the camera, Amy was still by the gift shop. He left the bag of chips at his desk and grabbed his flashlight. He quietly snuck out of the office and walked towards the gift shop. He spotted Amy sitting in front of the counter, staring at her feet. Cougar aimed for the middle of the floor, and threw the spoon.

It flew through the air and hit the ground with a slight clank. Amy looked up and saw the spoon, she stood up and walked over to it. At first she just stared at it, but then she sat down and picked it up. She stared at the spoon, her eyes glittering. Then Cougar's stomach growled, Amy looked up from the spoon. He got ready to run if she came after him. "Tha-a-ank you-u for c-coming-g," Amy stuttered. "H-have a nice da-a-ay." Then she returned her gaze to the spoon.

Cougar was confused by this. Was she thanking me? He wondered. Is a spoon really that important? He watched Amy for a little longer, but all she did was stare at the spoon.

Then he heard the distant clanking of metal coming down the hall. Oh shoot, Cougar thought. Algol is back! He bolted down the hall and ran into the office just as Algol turned the corner. He slammed the button on the door and it closed just as Algol appeared in the doorway. Cougar sat down, he was shaking a little bit from the close encounter, but his mind was focused on something else. Amy thanked me instead of trying to get me, he thought. Maybe the animatronics aren't all that bad?

But then he remembered that Algol had bitten Phil. Well, maybe Amy is the friendly one. He concluded. How will the others act if I bring them what they want?

He glanced at the door, he didn't need to check the camera to know that Algol was behind it. How will he act if I bring him what he wants? Cougar wondered. But what does he want?

Cougar thought for a moment. He goes near the office a lot, Cougar thought. But that doesn't give me much information....

Cougar opened the bag of chips he had left on his desk and began eating them, then an idea hit him. Maybe what Algol wanted was something inside the office?

"That would explain why he hangs around here so much." Cougar told himself. "I just need to figure out what it is."

It was now 2:39 and the power level was 56%. He checked the camera, Amy still had the spoon, Leonidas was by his roller coaster, Shady was wandering the halls, Nox was rolling on the ground around outside the bumper cars, and Algol was in the Cafeteria, staring at the ceiling.

Wait a minute.

The Cafeteria was brighter than the rest of the park, a light was on.

"Oh come on!" Cougar shouted, grabbing his flashlight and leaving the office. He ran to the Cafeteria, passing Shady on the way. Shady cocked her head in confusion, and began to follow Cougar to see what was going on, but he didn't notice.

Algol was still staring at the ceiling when Cougar got to the Cafeteria, he was staring up at a single light that was on. Cougar flipped the switch and the light went off. Algol turned his head to stare at him, his eyes boring into him like cold fire.

"P-p-play safe ki-ids-s." Algol stuttered as he began to walk towards him. Cougar understood what Algol meant, he was angry now. He turned around and began to run down the hall, but he was blocked by Shady.


Cougar reached into his pocket and pulled out his iPod, he turned on the radio and set it on the floor. Shady's eyes lit up and she began to walk towards the iPod. Cougar ran past her just as Algol began to reach out for him with his deadly talons. He bolted down the hall and closed the door. He checked the cameras, Algol was at the door, Leonidas was still at the roller coaster but this time with Nox, Amy still had the spoon, and Shady was in the Cafeteria.

The iPod was on a table, and Shady was in the middle of the room nodding her head and swinging her hips to the beat of the music, which was currently playing Just Dance.

"She's got moves." Cougar said, a slight smile of amusement growing on his face as he watched. He watched her dance for about ten minutes, but then he had to turn off the camera and open the door because the power was 34% and it was only 4:58.

Nothing really happened for the next few hours of Cougar's shift, Algol didn't come back, Amy just stared at the spoon, and Shady danced. Cougar went home at 6 am, and when he got home he instantly got to work gathering what he needed for the next night....

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