short story

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Quietly and quickly I hop from tree to tree. "Oh my gosh, what is that? In the next tree?" I say in my head to my little sister. I still wish I was at home with her. I remember that tribute from District 12. She is amazing she was a volunteer there hasn't been one from 12 in ages but I'm guessing that the small girl who was chosen, she volunteered for was either her sister or they are related somehow. I feel sorry for her parents for their daughter to have to go away. I would have volunteered if one of my siblings had been chosen.

I realised I had been sitting in this tree too long and I needed to keep moving but as I looked up I could hear the faint hum of the mutations that the Capitol has made of wasp's "Tracker Jackers" and there is a whole nest full of them on a branch a few feet above me. I realised that the shape I could see was a person. They could be in danger if they didn't know the tracker jacker nest was there, I had a good feeling about this person, I don't know why but I did. They looked up at me, slowly I came to the realisation that it was Katniss. So I pointed to the nest hoping she would understand me. At first, Katniss looked confused then she looked up at me and nodded.

The next day I could hear something so I went over to Katniss's tree and she looked at me then pointed at the nest then showed me a sawing motion. I understood at once she was warning me that she was going to saw the branch that the nest was on and let it fall onto the careers below. I nodded back at her to let her know I understood. I took my leave and found somewhere far away from the Tracker Jacker site but still close enough that I could see the proceedings. I watched Katniss wondering when she would do it but then I realised that she would have to wait until a time when the career group wouldn't notice. That would mean that she would have to wait until the anthem that night. I watch the sun sink then waited for the starting of the anthem.

There it's starting I turned my attention to Katniss and the nest she was starting to saw through the branch when the Tracker Jackers started to come out and I saw maybe 5 bites her and inject their poison into her. I wanted to race over there and help but she must have warned me because she didn't want me to get hurt.


Hey guys 

If you want i might write a part 2 for this but depends 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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Tracker Jacker Dropped on the Careers Scene Rue's PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now