You're Jealous

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*criiiiiing criiiiing criiiiing criii--SMASH!"

"Ugh...." You groaned.

It was a Sunday morning, rain was falling. (Maroon 5 XD)

You sat up. "Uuggghhh....stupid alarm clock." You groaned and whined some more.

You were on your way to the bathroom when you suddenly realized that...










You forgot you don't have an alarm clock, and your phone is what you use for an alarm.

You went down crying to your mom "Mom! I accidentally smashed my phone!!! T_T"

"*sighs* well here *hands over money* go buy a new one. You're lucky it's my payday and phones are on sale today."

"Yaaay!!! Thanks mom! Bye!" You kissed your mom's cheek then ran off.

"Wait--" your mom started, but you didn't even bother to listen.

Phone Shop

"Hmm..." You were checking the phone's prices and brands.

"Omg! I can't believe this is on sale!" You screamed happily as you found the phone you've been dying to have.

People were looking at you strangely but you just ignored them. Just then, the store clerk came to you.

"Aha! I see that...uh... *looks at you from head to toe* in a hurry.."

He awkwardly told you.

"In a hurry?" You asked in confusion.

"Ah..uhm...I mean in a hurry for buying this phone! Let me help you get the box for it so you can sign and pay later. Just wait."

"Okay! Thanks!" Then the store clerk went away.

You were walking around the store then suddenly, "Hahaha seriously Alfred!"

The mention of his name made you look at the direction of where the voice was coming from.

No doubt, it was him, and he has a girl with him too. A pang of jealousy hits you as you watch them talking and laughing.

You confronted them.

"Alfred F. Jones! It's nice to see you here BABE!" You said, each word filled with sarcasm.

"Babe!" He kissed you on the cheek.

"Oh she's your girlfriend?" The girl asked.

"Yeah. Oh by the way, (Y/N) this is my bestfriend Ukraine." Alfred told you, "I was just buying her a gift. You see, it's her birthday. "

"Yeah! He was so nice to buy me a phone. My country is kinda poor you see." She said blushing.

As if on cue, a button on her blouse popped out and she panicked.

You were still jealous of Ukraine but you hangout with her and America and you guys became close.

You guys had alot in common so you forgot about your jealousy and liked Ukraine as a friend.

"Bye (Y/N)! It was nice meeting you!" Ukraine said as she ran off because she was in a hurry.

You laughed, hearing the sound of her breasts everytime she took a step.

After she left, America hugged you from behind and you jumped a little bit in surprise.

"You were jealous earlier weren't you?"

You blushed and hid your face in your hands, your (h/c) locks falling a little on your face.


"I won't ever become anyone else's but yours."

He kissed you with passion and you heard somebody squeal and you both seperated and saw Ukraine there.

"You guys were soo cute!"

You both blushed bright red.


As the three of you hang out a certain Russian was getting angry by the minute because his sister was hanging out with America, holding a pipe tightly in his hands.


Me: Letypie thought of this too! Because she's inspired! We worked together on this chapter!

Alfred: If you want to request any scenarios, feel free to leave a comment.

Me: Sayonnara~

Alfred: Byeeee~

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