math class sucks

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It was a very common math class, with the teacher rambling on about stupid things until....
QUACK roared the quacky ducky, it was horrible site. With large oversized yellow feathers and a blue top hat it sent everyone to fear. Kristian scream I. fear while hiding under his desk. the quacky ducky is the most feared creature to ever walk the earth. it is in defentable and 7 ft 11. The quakey ducky feasts on people, chair, windows what ever it could find. we were all hiding in fear bar Emma. She was fuming. she was grumpy, she had turn turned to Gremma. She stood and raised her fist, with bright red cheeks. "IM MAD, IM FURIOUS," she shrieked at a such high pitch is rang in our ears. The quacky ducky toppled over covering his ear the ran away. we were all in shook until Logan yell "Emma saved us," and gave her a big kiss. we carried on with the lesson, wishing the quacky ducky ate mr.

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