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all the girls were in the bathrooms and i joined them at last.

"hey" i say. they all greet me in their towels so i go behind a wall and quickly undress into mine.

"today was..." jiro sighs.

"tiring" i say.

"let's turn this into a sauna!" ashido says, turning on all the showers on hot.

"we shouldn't waste the water," uraraka says. "won't they get mad?"

"i don't think they need to worry about that," momo says. we sit on the benches and wait for the room to get humid and hot.

"hey what happened at your store?" asui asks me. "you ended the call without saying anything and someone went in."

"oh... " i take a pause and try to scavenge an excuse.

"yeah and the lights were off" jiro says. deny. deny. deny... but why?

"i don't really know," i say. "my phone was dying and i walked out to see them turned off... maybe the workers left?"

what a terrible lie.

"they were probably trying to kidnap you" hagakure laughs. others chuckle but i see uraraka, asui, and momo stay quiet.

"girls! finish up in there!" we hear a teacher yell. "you better be out in the next twenty minutes."

we all groan and go to a shower stall and adjust the water to our liking. i don't know about them but i like our punishment, it keeps him away.


midnight escorted us all back and me and jiro were agitated on the fact that mr. aizawa joined her and lectured us. it was late and we were tired.

"goodnight" we both say and enter our rooms. i turn on my lamp to make the room more dim than blinding. i throw my clothes in the basket before slipping into bed and spending some time on my phone, looking through social media and watching random videos.

jiro puts on her music a little loud but it's calming. damn she must feel really upset. i put my phone down and close my eyes. florence and the machine.

i'm between the state of being awake and asleep until i feel the edge of the bed go down followed by the sounds of the bed springs creaking. i lift my head up slightly and squint. the light from the lamp is bright enough to see the figure sitting on my bed. this isn't sleep paralysis, is it?

the figure points their index finger up towards the ceiling and a flame comes out, lighting their face.

it's todoroki.

"you are the night time fear..."

my eyes open all the way into shock and i remove the covers to sit up but in a swift move, he's on top with his hands gripping my arms flat down on the bed. i tremble and start to fight back and try to get him off of me. we both struggle and i even start to sweat at how much strength i have to use against a boy my own age.

"and i'll do anything to make you stay!"

"jiro!" he slaps his hand on my mouth and almost hugs me to stay still. i continue to scream into his hand but the music is too loud and my scream is muffled by this boy. i feel more weight added and i almost wheeze at the suddenly impact. i scratch and hit him but nothing.

control yourself. control yourself. think about what you can do.

i stretch out my fingers out and venus fly traps sprout out of them and increase in size. i drive my fingers into his sides, the teeth of the plant forced to puncture his skin through his clothes. todoroki yells and releases his grip on me. i start to finally fight back with my feet since my hands are stuck but my hands starts to feel the temperature change.

"get off!" i yell. one feels hot while the other cold. oh no. i retract my hands but it's too late. the sudden change of temperature makes the plants die and wither. my hands shake at bit at being so close to the ice and fire.

"did you really think that hurt?" he laughs.

"get the fuck away from me!" i spit at him and he laughs again, sticking his tongue out to taste the saliva. i'm going to puke.

"and would you leave me if i told you what i've become?"

"you taste even better than i thought."

𝕥𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕚 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕠 - jouer en températureWhere stories live. Discover now