Back To School: Part 2

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Luke's POV (Le Gasp)

I haven't seen Y/N at school, since we last spoke. When I saw what happened after she freaked out, there was this guilt in my heart. Then again it was my fault for br res along her heart.

See here's the (here's the mother fucking tea...okmay no dank memes) thing, I left her with a broken heart for another girl. I hated myself for doing that.

I wanted to make it up to her put I didn't know how. She knows what happened that night at her house after the beach. She allowed me to take her virginity that night. Her parents went to get food and a movie to rent. We were both only 14 years old.

Yes we did the dirty. She told me that she let me because we promised to spend our life together. But another girl was more of what I wanted. Y/N was heart broken and moved out of all classes we has together.

I stayed with the other girl. She kinda took my mind off of breaking Y/N's heart. I did kinda rub it in her face
But only to try and get her back. Instead she avoided me like the plague. Even making her friends guard her away from me.

Maybe if I could make it up to her she'll forgive me. But how should I do it?

<Time Skip cause I'm a lazy person :p>

~At School~

I knew that the cosplay ball was coming soon. Maybe if I asked her she would go with me.

So, I had planned the perfect why to ask her....


I saw Luke with a rose standing right in front of me, with a smile. It would be a lie if I said that I always wanted him to do this for me. I knew what was going to happen. Down to the last detail. I told him that I'd I was able to go to a dance.

The vision in my head was for him to hold a rose, hand it to me, him cosplaying as if the OHSHC boys, and would ask me to accompany him to the dance.

I was shocked, this was happening right now with him. I didn't what to say or do. I just froze wide eyes with jaw hanging open.

"Y/N, will you go with me to the dance?" The boy asked with the rose.

I then opened my mouth to say......


Yeah I know I'm horrible for leaving a Cliff hanger. thank you all for reading this book, voting, and commenting. Also what should happen next???
Put your answer the comments!!!
Should you say yes?? Or something else!!

Also side rant, okay so I go to a school that forces kid to wear uniforms and today is my last day. I thought it was free dress today and it's not. And all my teachers expect drama, is being bitchy about it. I'm wearing Jean shorts, a purple hoodie that has nothing on it, and yet all my teachers say that its against dress code.

Welp good thing schools over for me.

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