Chapter 2

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Alex's POV
After Max's speech me and iggy came back to the phsyc department both going into are offices. I closed the door to my office and walked up to my desk going through to do list for today before hearing a cough. I stopped and looked around my office trying to find were that cough came from. "Hello" I said hoping for a response but got nothing in return. Another cough was heard "is anyone there" I said looking around and stopped when I came to look at the table at the end of my office. Slowly I walked up to it before pulling up the table cloth and was greeted with a small child. She was a girl but there was one thing she was covered in bruises. I stopped looking at her shaking body that was in the far corner of the table. She was traumatized, it wasn't hard to tell that those bruises weren't an accident. She looked at me and instantly started cowering into the corner."hey, hey it's ok" I said giving her my hand "I'm not gonna hurt you" slowly and hesitantly she took my hand and I brought her out from the table. Now that she was in the light you could see the many bruises that surrounded her skin. I know that Im supposed to find her parents and take her back there but I think there's something more going on. "Hey sweetheart" I said causing her to look at me "why don't you go play and I'll bring some one in to play with you and I'll be right back, ok" she nods her head and walks towards the LEGO in my room. I go in and get someone to look after her before going to find max
Soon enough She found max walking out of renalds office, he saw her walking to him and smiled before saying " how can I help" She looked at him not sure how to phrase this " well after your speech I went back into my room and I found a child" she looked at him he was obviously shocked " well your going find her parents" he said before seeing my expression "right?" She scratched the back of her neck before continuing " ha well about that when I found her I saw that she was covers in bruises, and I know that I'm supposed to find her parents but I think I can help her" She said Hi looking up at max before continuing " those bruises definitely weren't an accident if she goes home she could be in danger" he looks at her taking in what She was saying "well then talk to her" She was shocked but smiled and started walking down the corridor but before turning the corner she turned round and smiled

 I go in and get someone to look after her before going to find max ————————————————————————Soon enough She found max walking out of renalds office, he saw her walking to him and smiled before saying " how can I help" She looked at him not sure ho...

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"I'll let you know what happens" was the last thing she said before turning the corner walking down to see the child and hopefully help her. Max smiled he had definitely taken a liking to her ( in this max is divorced but his ex wife is still having a daughter) she was well different he could tell she was a great doctor and he knew she was going to help this girl.
Alex arrived back at her office and when she did she looked into the door and saw the girl sitting there playing with the lego. When Alex looked at the girl, she saw herself saw her when she was younger. She stoped and felt like she couldn't breath. It was too much. She had to get some fresh air. She ran out of of the department and ran outside passing max and her brother who both called for her obviously worried. She pushed open the doors and instantly sat on a brick wall gaping for air trying to get her emotions in place.
Iggy and max were walking down the halls talking about the girl that had come to iggys office and started screaming, when out of nowhere Alex came rushing out of her office looking distressed, they both looked at each other knowing something had happened and called out to her but they got no response. " iggy, you go deal with your patient I'll see what's up" he said walking away and following the way she had just went.
Alex was sitting there, her head in her hands it was to much her mind was everywhere.she was so distracted that she didn't even see max. Alex took a deep breath before looking up. She was about to get up but was stopped by a hand being placed on her shoulder she looked behind her, her eyes still red from crying she looked at max.she sat back down knowing she'd have to talk she took a deep breath before talking "when I was younger my parents, well they weren't parents" she said letting a few tears fall "they, uh well to put it simply they abused me" she said letting out a sad chuckle before " I hid away, I hid the bruises under long sleeves, and placed on a smile but one day they had enough of me so they put me up for adoption" she said wiping a few tears then looking at max and smiling a small sad smile " I don't know wether I should be grateful for that" she joked looking back down at her shoes she had now stopped crying and was calm "then I was adopted by the Frome family they saw the bruises and they helped me, when I saw her all I could see was myself" max looked at her she was so strong "and that's why" she started getting up her smile returning " I'm gonna help her" she finished then left heading straight back into the hospital.
Alex walked back into her office to see the young girl sitting there reading a book. She walked up and sat down in front of her " hey (book name) I used to read it all the time" She said smiling at her They put the book back and sat her down in my chair "well my names dr Alex Frome, but you can call me Alex" She said smiling at her. She looked at her arm and asked if it was ok to look she noises so She pulled up her sleves to see that her arm was covered in bruises some were new and some were old " who did this to you" She said looking at her she seemed scared like if she told her there would be more bruises " look, please tell me cause if you do, then I can get this to stop" after she said that she told her everything.
" hey there's the medical director I'm looking for" she said walking up to max and putting a hand on his shoulder he looked at me signaling for me to continue " well I got her to talk and yep she is getting those bruises from her parents" she said before moving in front of him "but I already felt with that as I found her aunt and she's on her way" she started walking back to her office " I got this covered"
The child and her aunt were getting along great. Alex was standing in the door watching them with a smile on her face. She was glad she could help, i mean this is why she chose this job. To help people.
Alex and most of the other doctors were around there while max was talking about the virus that doctor bloom had stopped. She was let out and everyone clapped
This won't be going the exact way the series went. I don't own New Amsterdam

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