01 | Fast Lane

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The overhead traffic light turned bright yellow and my foot instinctively pushed harder on the gas. The light turned red before I even reached the intersection, but I didn't hesitate. The light could've turned purple and I would still be barreling forward.

In our small town, I could've worked anywhere within a two-minute walking distance from home, but of course, thanks to Darcy, I was working at the farthest distance from the house, which required a twelve-minute drive. Also thanks to Darcy, who was sick and therefore didn't wake me up this morning, her grandparents would be disappointed at their already lacking help, being incredibly late.

I looked at the dashboard, the time read 9:24 am. I partially slowed down at a stop sign, which in no universe could even pass for yielding and continued flying down the roads. I was supposed to be in at nine!

The Jones' were too kind and too old to be abandoned like this. I really didn't want their opinion of me to deteriorate, but it was starting to look like that might be inevitable.

As I made the turn onto Main street, gearing up for the final stretch, flashing lights flooded my rearview mirror. Flashing red and blue lights.

My shoulders slumped forward and I let out a long sigh. Of course this would happen. In a town with a crime rate so low, cops had absolutely nothing better to do than harass the tax-paying citizens.

I just really hoped they were off eating donuts, or doing whatever stupid thing they did to pass time.

I pulled over, opening my glove compartment to get the necessary documents.

The cop tapped on the glass and I jumped ever so slightly. Did he run up to my car? Jeez, he was fast.

I rolled down the window, feeling the cold air hit my face as I looked at myself through his mirrored sunglasses.

"Do you know why I pulled you over?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. From what I could tell, having had a few run-ins with the law, he had to be new. New to the town and new to the police force. He definitely looked young with his shaved face and strong hairline.

"We both know why you pulled me over, so please, spare me the lecture and just go write the ticket." I shoved the documents into his hand.

I was generally a kind and respectful person, but not at all when it came to cops. They didn't deserve it.

He paused for a moment and I could see the corner of his mouth twitching in amusement. That made me even angrier. I was about to be hit with a fine and he thought it was funny.

"Go on," I shooed him off with a wave of my hand and he finally went back to his vehicle. I then noticed his partner at my passenger window, peering in to make sure I wasn't a threat. I waved at him, flashing my best fake smile before he, too, walked off. I had half a mind to flip him off.

My knee bounced impatiently as I watched them through the rearview mirror, taking their sweet time. I groaned, throwing my head back. I would've been better off going the speed limit.

My phone started ringing. I tilted my head to the side to see it on the passenger seat, the caller ID displaying the name, "Work."

I bit my bottom lip to prevent a rush of profanities from spilling out. I was beyond the extended courtesy time they were giving me. Now they needed me and I was still nowhere to be found, not to mention I never even called to inform them of my tardiness.

I didn't bother picking up, allowing the phone to ring out and looked into the rearview mirror again, watching as cop number one was chatting it up with cop number two.

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