Part 14

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I woke up in Grayson's bed with really bad cramps. I just brushed it off and went back to sleep while he was at the gym. 

*1 hour layer* 

"baby wake up" i hear waking up. 

"what" i pout.

"you started your period you bled through your shorts" when he said that I freaked out and started crying.

"i'm so sorry. I'll clean it up then leave" i say crying even harder.

"baby girl, calm down. its okay, its no big deal. go take a warm shower, i'll throw some comfy clothes in the dryer so they are warm when you get out, i'll grab you some of my moms pads, then we'll go shopping. sound like a plan?" he says hugging me.

"i love you grayson" i say looking at him.

"i love you too baby" he says kissing me. 

*Grayson's P.O.V.* 

Tatum was in the shower singing, and i have to admit her voice was beautiful. Shes perfect,  I wouldn't trade her for anything. 

*at the mall*

Me and Tatum just got to the mall. She's on her period so i have to treat her like a princess. We walked in and ran into one of my fans who didn't know about Tatum.

"hi! its so nice to meet you. whats your name?" i ask hugging her tightly.

"my name is Emerson. who is this?" she says pointing to Tatum. 

"that's Tatum she's one of my friends, do you want a picture?" i say looking at her.

"yes please. But can Tatum be in it?" she said looking at Tatum. Tatum giggled.

"no, no, its fine just take a picture with Grayson" Tatum said pushing a strand of hair behind her small ear. 

"no! i want you too be in the picture, please?" Emerson said giving Tatum a hug.

"fine" Tatum said hugging her back and giggling. 

We ask a stranger to take a picture for us and he does. 

"Thank you guys! it was so nice meeting you. Also Tatum what is your Instagram?" she asked giving us one last hug. 

"Tatum dot Robertson" she said smiling as Emerson nodded. 

Me and her went to her favorite stores and got Starbucks tempted to hold hands.

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