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PoV: 3rd Person

Tears streamed down from Sonic's eyes as his body as invaded. The scarlet and jet colored alien had his member rammed deep into Sonic entrance, drawing blood due it's infamiliar shape and size.

"Stop it!" One of the girls cried, they were being forced to watch their own fate, "Your hurting him!"

Eclipse, as the alien was known as, ignored the girls cried and begs to be freed, killed, or to release Sonic. He began thrusting into his captures body. He restraints around Sonic's arms and ankles held him down. The gag in his mouth prevent him from screaming. The only thing he could do was attempt to bare with the pain and cry. Fear was hidden behind shut emerald eyes.

Eclipse continued his work until he finally came. Cum filling the blind uterus Sonic had with in him. His body shook from the turama and fear of becoming pregnant.

Lemons End
PoV: ... Eclipse

My work was completed. It wasn't possible for this he-she to not be pregnant after this. I waited until he fell unconscious to release him. His body was slender and despite the power he may have, he was lean as a woman would be.

"I think this one chose the wrong gender to be," I hand the girls returned to the cell.

"Computer, is he pregnant yet?" I was growing impatient. I had to wait for the egg to be born after this anyway.

"It takes two weeks before pregnancy can be determined."

"Damn," I had to wait to even know if he body worked as it should.

"Eclipse, were ready to accept your shipment. Who is that?" The Commander of trade asked.

"I was allowed to choose a female for myself. I wanted this one. She is already filled with the necessary ingrediants for a child," I answered.

"We shall send a doctor for her safe delivery of the eggs," he replied, "Shall we pick up the shipment?"

I checked for the night sky, no one would see us, "Yes, it is sage now."

I released the gas so the girls would sleep through the trip. They were moved into the cargo ship, all eighteen of them. Sonic was the only one left, he had the potential of already containing my child. He may be my prisoner, but my child wasn't.

I placed in a bed within the empty cell. They would soon have to transfer my children from this planet to the homeland. Our species was going to be saved. Who care about his expense.
PoV: Miles Prower

"Come on, you have to remember sonething," I asked Amy again, "Sonic saved you, now he's stuck over there."

"Tails, I don't remember anything, I'm sorry," Amy replied.

"If Aliens really took us, they could have messed with our minds! They're going feed Sonic to their overlord!" Sticks was frantic since she woke up.

"Sonic will come back Tails. You know he will. When Eggman attack, he'll show up and take the glory," Knuckles stated, "Then steal everyone's attention. He could leave me a few girls."

"Tails, Sonic probrably went to explore," Amy put a hand on my shoulder, "He always comes back. You know him."

"Yeah. He'll come back. I should run some tests on you two to be sure nothing happened to you," I set up my computer, "Sonic will be back tonight, I know he will."
PoV: Sonic

I woke up in bed.

"Ah...ngh!" My body hurt, that guy... he did something that can't be undone, "I need to get out of here..."

It was painful to walk around. The girls were gone. I was alone in this cell. No windows... one door... lots of beds...

"Ah!" My legs gave out on me and I collapsed, "My body won't stop shaking... why... why... why something so horrible?"

"You're still crying?" He was back.

"... Don't touch me!" I backed away.

"I can't do that. You have my child, I can't let you go until it's born," he grabbed me... my body wouldn't listen to me. I wanted to fight back my hand shook where they were.

"D-don't... please..."

"You're like this after just once, well, I might double my chances," he pushed me onto the ground.

"No... stop!"
Lemons Again

  It hurt twice as bad. Having him inside of me... it hurt.

"Ah!" He rammed me again.

"I never did hear you before, but I don't enjoy screaming," he gagged me again.

  He just kept going, until blood spilt onto the floor, he had his way with me. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks when that hot gush forced itself into my body again. He pulled the gag from my mouth and let me go.

Second Lemons End
  My body hurt... my eyes wouldn't stay opened.

"It take two weeks to tell and two weeks for the egg to be ready. One month, then the egg will incubate until it hatched, I only need you to grow the egg for me," he tyre something my way, "Part of you is a woman. Cover yourself properly."

  It left me laying there, a jacket one of the girls wore was next to me. I pulled it on, just for comfort.

"By the way, Sonic," he stopped, "My name is Eclipse, you will obey me."

  He walked away and the door locked as he left. I lifted myself into a bed, and laid down. I need to get out of here... before he get me p... pregnant... I need to leave...


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