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this is a flashback inspired by raura_auslly22 it's not exactly what she told me, but it is close and i sparked from her and i hope you like :)

Back to the Beginning | 5.5 |
| Tuesday: March 25th, 2014 |

"I'm going inside." Laura finally says, watching as Ross, Ryland, and Rocky fly by her on their skateboards for the millionth time. Towards the end of the street where the turn was, the three of them turn around and skate back towards Laura. "You three are giving me so much anxiety." Ross grabs ahold of her shoulders as he skates by, abruptly stopping himself and making Laura take a few steps with his board.

"How are we giving you anxiety?" He asks. "You watch us skate all the time, bug."

"You're going way too fast, doing tricks that all three of you know you'll never land, and you're wearing no helmet. You're idiots if you ask me." Ross pushes off her shoulders. "Don't hurt yourselves!" She calls out. The three of them give her a thumbs up. With a sigh, Laura walks back in the house.

"Uh oh, she's back." Stormie sings. Rydel and Riker both laugh.

"The three of them are going to kill themselves." She tells them. She walks around the kitchen to the table and sits down beside Rydel, who was helping Stormie chop up some vegetables.

"How does it feel to be graduating in less than two months!" Rydel cheers. Laura smiles widely.

"Amazing. But then college starts, and that's nerve-wracking." She admits. The front door then opens and in comes Ross holding the back of his head with Rocky's shirt, Rocky holding his hands over Ross' (without his shirt on), and Ryland with three skateboards in his hands. Stormie rushes over to the boys.

"Oh, my stars!" She cries. "What happened?" Ross turns around and Rocky takes the shirt off Ross' head, showing a big gash on his head and blood coating his blonde hair. Stormie gasps.

"I fell," Ross says with a sigh. "Is it bad?"

"You're definitely going to need stitches." Riker comments.

"Someone call your dad and tell him to meet us at the ER. Riker, you're driving." Riker nods and picks up their van keys off the hook by their front entryway. "Someone is going to need to hold pressure on his head." All eyes turn to Laura. She scrunches up her nose before taking Rocky's already bloody shirt, wraps her arm around Ross' shoulder to keep him hunched over, and presses the shirt against his head. "Rocky go put on a new shirt."

"I told you-you were going to get hurt," Laura mumbles, guiding Ross to their van.

"It's really not the time to have this conversation, buggy." He mumbles back.

"Does it hurt?" She asks.

"Like a bitch." He replies.

"Good." Despite the pain Ross was in, he laughs. Getting into the van, Laura has to let Ross go on his own. Ryland climbed into the very back of the rows while Rocky and Rydel stayed in the middle, letting Ross and Laura get the front row. As soon as both Ross and Laura were buckled, Laura puts Rocky's shirt back up against Ross' gash. Ross, seeking some sort of comfort, places his hand on Laura's thigh and takes deep breaths.

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