- playtime.

74 2 23

WARNING(S): prepare for your uwus t be t a k e n.

prompt/idea | a quote from tumblr or Twitter or something, "i remembered it in the shower, da baby wuz bald"


"mommy, mommy i wan 2 play wit de big dogg"

"ok, son"

"dont call me son"

"ok daughter"

">:C bicht—"


"mommy, mommy! i wanna play!" the child excitedly squeaked, swinging his arms around. he wraps his little arms around your leg. well, the best he can do. The smol child cannot fully wrap them around your leg yet, for his arms are 2 smol fo ur leggi. for shaamee!

"okay, okay! we'll play in a little bit." you giggle.

"but mOmMy, i wanna play nao!!" the child pouts.

"go play with your sister, I'll be done in a bit."

You were washing dishes, and your husbando was on the couch, probably asleep after a long day of work.

"daddy wont playyy, he sweepy!! ma sister wont gib me your phone bak!!" the small boy whined.

you were on your last dish, you cleaned it quickly while you listened to your child's whines.

"alright, alright, I'm comin', I'm comin'." You say, as you pick up your kid to go to the play/bed room.

Izuku wasn't there on the couch. How odd.

You had went to the seperate room for the children, you saw your husband, and he was playing with Ibuki, the small girl giggling as she ran away from Izu. He was laughing and smiling too.

You set your little boy down on the soft carpet, kneeling down to eye level to him.

"Well, looks like they're havin' fun, do you want to play with them, too?" You smile.

The boy nodded quickly, and runs off to play.

You grinned as you watched for a small bit before going off to do your own thing.

/ timeskip to when they're done

You come in the room again when it's night and you see Izuku in the chair, with Ibuki in his arms fast asleep.

The green boio looks at you, then begins,

"Can you imag—"

Ibuki slaps Izu's face, trying to turn around. Unforgiving haaannddd!! dUn fun dun!

You snicker.


word count: 442

time taken: an hour or two

honestly, this was short, and it's very very, very rushed in the end.

sorry about that

but I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

have a good day, and i hope to see you next time!

ps. I hid a smol little reference at the end. can any one of you guess what it iss?? :0 good luck!

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