★ | 014. kagami's boyfriend, kurokos basketball

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Book: Multipeople Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 14: Kagami's Boyfriend, Kurokos Basketball
Word Count: 1783

Book: Multipeople Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 14: Kagami's Boyfriend, Kurokos Basketball Word Count: 1783

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Kuroko had always hidden how he really felt when it came to [name]. Not because he wanted to but because he had to. See the thing is [name] had a boyfriend. To be more specific it was Kagami.

Everyone knew not to mess with [name] unless you wanted to get on Kagami's bad side, something Kuroko definitely did not want to do. He couldn't help but stare at him. He was absolutely gorgeous with a perfect... everything. Kuroko really did love him. He sighed as he looked down at his hands in sadness, wondering what it would actually be like to be with him.

To be held by him and kissed by him. He heard his name being called and looked up, seeing the exact person he was thinking about. "Kuroko, there you are. I've been looking for you everywhere." [name] smiled, sitting down next to him and pulling out his lunch, "you're a hard one to find."

That's because I didn't want to be found. He thought, turning his head to look at him. Why do you have to be so beautiful? Why do I have to love you when you love someone else? He wished he could ask you these questions himself. "Why aren't you eating with Kagami?"

[name] rolled his eyes, lip curling up in anger. "He's being annoying. He saw me talking to another guy, who was only asking me if he could have the notes from class he missed and Kagami got crazy jealous. He always gets like that and it's just getting on my nerves."

He's jealous because every guy wants you but you can't see that. "Kagami's always been like that. Angry and possessive." He could remember when the other boy first moved to this school. Kuroko had grown a crush on him straight away but unfortunately, Kagami had asked him out and now he always had to see them together. At least you're happy.

"I just wish he would quit it." [name] mumbled, taking a bite of his sand which. "So I'm ignoring him until he get his shit together." He continued to mumble.

Kuroko laughed at the adorable way his nose scrunched up.

"Actually I was wondering if I could come over to your place after school. It's been ages since we last hung out together. We could watch some movies and order takeaway."

They had been spending less time together, ever since he got with Kagami. Why would I ever deny and opportunity to be with you? "That sounds great." The sound of [name]'s phone buzzing cut him off.

He got it out of his pocket and looked at it for a second before rolling his eyes and putting it back in his pocket. "It's Kagami telling me I'm overacting. Yeah, I'm the one overreacting."

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