A/N (important)

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Hey guys!!. How are you all my beautiful readers?.

I'm back! For now i'll start again writing and taking imagines request but i'll be taking a break towards the end of june till september, the date i'm not sure yet but i'll update you guys again when its nearer to end of june.

The reason i'm taking a break because I want to focus on my fyp collections (yeap i'm in fashion design) and to do it well.

So! If you have any request that you want me to do. Pls send them while i'm on june holidays starting next friday but you can send request now.

I have work in between holidays and might need to comeback school for early preparations. (it sucks)

After the break I can do a little writings and accept some request but i'm afraid I won't be as free like now because i'll have my internship soon after that starting end september. So I hope you guys understand if I can't do the imagines for you all. (If I decide to open request)

Ofcourse I will update you guys again if I have a free time in between. I might just update stories but not taking any requests and I might do both. We'll see how things goes for me.

So stay tune for the next A/N because its important. And don't forget! send request while I still have the time to do it!.

Thank you! I love you all!. Bye!🤗

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