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"Jimin." She breathes out.

Before the boy can draw in the air his lungs need to respond, Hyuna steps nearer and her hands extend, wrapping around his shoulders and pulling him closer. This takes Jimin by surprise, nearly stopping his heart, but he still brings himself to gently reciprocate her hug. Despite the heaviness in his stomach, it flutters at the feeling of her body pressed against his own.

She moves away and for a few passing seconds, neither of them know where to begin. An awkward silence fills the air around them, and he notice the boys have stopped conversing as well. He feels a nudge next to his arm which snaps him out of it.

The tension that had kept him up since midnight, seeps into nothing now.

"Hyuna," He says her name with more ease than he expected, but clears his throat anyways, then turns to his friend, "meet Kyara."

Her presence next to him steps forth, "Hey, nice to meet you," With a kind smile, they shake hands while Jimin's gaze wanders behind them, where Taehyung has widened his eyes at him, mouthing muddled words, something roughly along the lines of 'go get her', before Hoseok pushes him away from the scene.

"I just got here about an hour ago," He casts his attention back to Hyuna as she speaks, "I thought I'd missed you."

"You did." The words fall out of Jimin more solemnly than he wanted, "You did," He repeats again this time with more lighter tone as he nods with a slight arch between his eyebrows, "I mean you did miss me."

What am I saying?

He swears he sees a glint of hesitancy pass over Hyuna's face together with a light blush across her pale cheeks, "But you're here now!"

"Yeah I made it, I actually thought I was going to miss you too— which I did... until now."

Dammit what is happening? For one of the few times in his life, Jimin wanted to disappear. He knows everything about the girl standing in front of him, yet at the same time, it was all new and unfamiliar. It begins to bother him, as he suddenly itches for another drink as he searches for any close waiter. His body grows heavy and the temperature around him rises; he doesn't realise his palms are sweaty until he feels a soft hand enclose around them.

His eyes flicker down to find Kyara, who doesn't return his gaze instead gives him a reassuring squeeze.

Hyuna sees this, or maybe she doesn't, but continues to hold onto her smile anyways,  "So, how are you doing? Are you working or..." she lets her words trail off, gesturing to the violin case that he hadn't noticed he was still holding.

"Oh! No, this is actually hers, I—"

"Hyunnie!" A deeper voice belonging to a male interrupts them, his suited figure joins their little circle as he wraps an arm behind the girl's waist and hands her a drink, leaving Jimin's mouth falling slightly agape.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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