chapter 12

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Rosalin Pov

so here i was infornt of my parent with the call on with Xavier,my mom say the guest is important so i should behave,asif i never did,Xavier can hear everything we say,i told him that it could be private but he don't agree,can he get more possessive than this.

i hear a door bell,my mom stand up for the door,i can hear a female voice and a male voice,mean there are two of them,after a few second,they enter with mom in the living room,the female seem to be in my mom age,she is beautiful,with brown eyes and red hair,and the man is fine,no hair and blue eye,and the is also a young man i mean a boy around my age, maybe one or two years older,he is handsome, but not enough to compete with Xavier, tall but not more than my boy,he have blue eyes,red hair,jawline.

"hello you must be Rosalin,am Bianca Black and my husband Bryan and my son jack you-"the woman i mean Mrs Black say but cut off by my mom"we haven't told her yet"
Tell me what,something is going on but what
"sorry"she told mom which my mom return with a smile

"Baby girl why don't you show jack around"my mom say no order ,i can hear Xavier in the phone saying something, but no one seem to notice,i haven't told my parent since i don't have time yet

nodding i tell jack to follow me

"Hey beautiful"he say making me sign

"hey "i say with a polite smile

After showing him around,i decide to go back to my parent,but Jack pull my back,
i look at him with confused and he give me flirt smile,he have been giving me this smile from the beginning, and stare at me the time i show him around,he also flirt with me,but i ignore him,because i know Xavier can hear us,i also know he is angry by now,i can hear some noise from my phone,and let me tell you,now am scared soooo scared, scared because Xavier is angry,and  am not even with him to calm him,and god know what he is doing now

"Beautiful you have been ignoring me all the time,do i Make you uncomfortable?"he ask me with a worried look

"No"i answer him feeling sorry for him

"good,you should cause we will be spending alot of time together"he say smiling at me,before i should ask him what he mean
he pull to the dining table,my parent and his parent seem to be in a deel conversation

"Good you are here,we need to tell you something"my dad say with a smile

Now what,i just want to go to Xavier now

"You and jack are getting marriage"my mom say making me shock,i think i might heard them wrong

"w-what?"i ask shutter

"You and Jack are getting marriage after your college baby girl"my dad say waiting for my reaction

but i just  stood there frozen, they can't be serious right,i came here to inform them about Xavier but,Wait Xavier can hear oh my pizza,i run to my room and lock the door

"Xavier"i call his name,but all i can hear is something breaking,and him cussing,he sound angry,no more than angry

"Am fucking coming there"he say but continue"and don't fucking there to cut my call"than i hear him talking to someone tell to prepare his jet,i can hear my mom calling me

i go out and look at my mom with teary eyes"mom i can't marry Jack"i said

"what?why?you have to we have agreement already"she angrily say

Now jack,and his parent are already here

"why"jack ask with a sad voice

"i have a boyfriend"i told them making my parent shock.

"what?but you didn't tell us about that anythng"my dad ask with disappointed look

"i was about to tell you guys,but you two were busy about diner"i told him.

"still that doesn't change anything, you are marrying Jack that is final,and you are breaking up with your so called boyfriend and you are not going back"my mom say with a final voice
"mom please you can't do that"i say

"yes i can,and i will do it,and also you will be engage after you school"she reply

"No mom you can't do that please i love him i can't marry Jack, i love Xavier please"i say but she turn around  and walk away with jack parent pulling Jack with them but before he walk away he look at me with pity eye i turn to my dad with tear in my eye"please dad "i beg but he turn around and walk away leaving me there alone in my room

They can't do this to me,am just 17 for unicorn sake,this is just a dream,no a nightmare please god let it be a nightmare


Xavier Pov

As soon as i heard my princess parent say they are planing to marry her with some fuckers, i feel like,i don't know but i damn sure want to kill that guy,he can't take her away from,no one can

i start breaking everything in my room,angry have all over me,they can't fucking do to my princess like this t-i was cut of my though when i hear my princess call my Name making me calm abit,i told her that am coming there.
i call Adam telling him to prepare my jet,what am mafia leader son after all,

i just want her in my arm now,i can hear her telling her parent that she can't marry that fucker because she love me,making my angry go away,but as soon it goes it came back,when i hear her mother telling my princess to leave me,and she won't allow my princess to come back,and getting engage after her school,

what the fuck,she is just 17 for fuck sake,
they can't fucking take her away from me,she is mine all mine and only mine.

i hear my bedroom door open, i look to see Adam,Ethan, Alex and Axel there with a question look,"what happen to your room?and why do you need your jet ready"Alex ask

"ill tell you guys later,let goes"i say and start walking

"but where?"Ethan ask

"To bring me princess back"i say with a mysterious smirk

Just hope she will come with me



Hey guys hope you like it,next chapter will be update on idk, please forgive me is there mistake i write it from my phone so

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