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"Okay so I have a question . . ." Taehyung asked as he and Jungkook were walking down a trail in the park. It was a super nice day out, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping, the path in front of the two males with clasped hands was lit brightly by the sun, the shadows from the trees looming on the outskirts of the pathed path. The couple decided it wouldn't hurt to get exercise so they made their way down to the community park near by.

"I possibly have an answer," Jungkook said back, taking a quick glance at Taehyung. Oh how lucky he felt that he had the privilege of holding hands with- no, even just walking next to a man as great as him.

"So you know how we've been dating for a week, right?" Taehyung asked. For some reason his voice seemed kind of nervous. This made Jungkook even more curious than he had already been.

"Yeah . . . and it's been great, right?" The raven hair boy responded. Where was Taehyung going with this?

"Yes, it has, and I don't want to like get your hopes up or anything but like-you know what? Never mind. It's stupid. Just ignore me." Taehyung was just acting plain up weird. What was he going to say? Why would he just dismiss himself like that? Whatever it was, Jungkook wouldn't stand for it. Freedom of speech am I right? (not like any one was stopping him from what he had to say in the first place)

"Tae, what is it?" The younger asked. What was he so afraid of saying?

"It's nothing, don't worry about it. I lost my train of thought anyways," Tae said with a little chuckle, trying to pull off his terrible lying skills. Who knows? Maybe the younger would believe him.

"No, Tae baby, come on, what were you going to say? You know I won't judge you," Jungkook said understandingly, moving the pad of his thumb across the back of the elder's hand in reassurance.

"It's just . . . I don't know," Taehyung sighed in defeat. Could he really not speak his mind? Or was he just too nervous to do it?

"Tae Tae . . . I think you do know," Jungkook responded softly, wanting the other to feel comfortable enough to tell him the things that are on his mind.

"Here, let's sit down first," Taehyung said, gesturing to the wooden bench that was on the side of their path for those who needed to take a break.

The couple made their way to the bench and sat down, hands in their own laps. Jungkook's clasped together, waiting, and Taehyung's fidgeting nervously. Oh how Jungkook wanted to reach over and stop the nervous movements.

"Start from the beginning, Tae, you know I won't judge you."

"Okay," Taehyung let out a deep sigh and took in an equally huge amount of air. "So I've only been in one relationship before, well, it wasn't a real relationship. It was awful, it wasn't healthy. And I know you're probably expecting to do things but I'm just not ready for that. I want this relationship to work out, I don't want it to be based on sex. It's been a really long time, and I mean really long time, since I've been in a relationship and I really don't want to do anything just yet. I'm sorry I'm being like this, but I just wanted to let you know ahead of time. I'm kind of new to this relationship stuff and I know you're not and I just want to take things slow because I don't want to regret doing things if we don't work out. Not that I'm saying we won't work out! I just-".

Jungkook cut off his rant right there. "Kim Taehyung," the younger male stated. Did Taehyung really think he was in this just for the sex?

Taehyung looked over at the younger boy sadly. Here it comes, he thought, this is where he leaves. "Yeah?" he said sadly.

"Do you really think that I'm in this just for the sex? Taehyung, we've only been dating for a week. Even if you were ready I wouldn't have done anything."

Taehyung was shocked at this. "But, it's been a week, isn't that when the other person expects things to happen?" he asked innocently.

Oh Tae...who hurt this poor boy? Who made him think like this?

"Taehyung I'm going to be honest with you," he started, looking his significant other in the eyes. "I don't know what d-bag you were with, but clearly he's a massive dick. And I don't expect sex with you only a week in. Hell, Taehyung, I'm a virgin for Christ's sake," the male stated exasperatedly.

"Wait hold up what?!" Taehyung started, shocked. "You're a virgin? You?! Seriously?! Why?!"

Why was he so shocked?

How is he still a virgin?

"I mean...I'd like to think of it as a choice..." Jungkook trailed off. Starting to feel embarrassed. Being a virgin isn't cool, Jungkook, GOSH.

"No, babe, it's totally okay!" Taehyung said, recovering from his shock and bringing Jungkook's face over to look at him. "I was just shocked, you know? You're freaking hot, Jungkook. Hot. I would've expected you to have deflowered every male in Korea. Damn, what a shock." Taehyung shook his head.

"So you really meant that? That you're not in it for the sex?" Taehyung asked.

"No, of course not. And by the way Tae, most people wait more than a week before doing anything like that."

Taehyung let out a little "oh".

The males eventually laughed everything off, but were glad they had 'the talk' that made sure they were on the same page. Everything seemed to be okay now, but there was only one problem unknown to the oldest boy that the younger just couldn't stop thinking about.

Jungkook was not a top.



who's shocked? not me tbh. we got two bottom boys, wonder what'll happen \_( :/ )_/

how will tae find out?

what will this do to their relationship?

lmao prolly nothing but jk is gonna have a little crisis

again, let me know what you guys want more of or anything you want to happen. School is finally out so I'll have a bit more time to write. although this month is super busy :(

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