Goodnight Kiss.

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"we're going now!" Mike shouted from the bottom of our stairs. I followed themall to the door and waved them off. As I closed the door Jason appeared behind me. "I don't think Matt's coming anymore." He looked disappointed.

"Why not?"

"He's just not answering any of my messages!" He scrolled down his phone.

I sat down and checked my phone. snapchat, snapchat, text. The text was from Alex saying he'd be over soon to help me get to his, since Mike and mum are using my car to go to Dublin because it's cheaper for fuel.

I texted back with a smiley face ':)'

"Jason I'm still staying at Alex's!" Jason looked at me.

"Emma, you aren't ya know, gunna ya know? Are ya?" He said.

"What are you talking about?" He had spoken a load of blubber!

"Have sex?" He sat next to me, I was in too much shock.

"Jason, me and Alex aren't together, how many times!".

.:JASON:. Point of view (P.O.V)

I sat next to Emma, being curious "I mean, I know I haven't yet, but that doesn't mean you should or shouldn't either because I am the oldest by a short 13 minutes" she laughed a little "but you know be protected and stuff..." I trailed off lost for words and the awkwardness filled the air. Alex did seem really nice and he would treat my sister right. He seems like the kind of guy who would be serious, so I'd be comfortable if Alex got together with my sister.

.:EMMA:. (P.O.V )

The doorbell rang and Alex was earlier than he said, too early. I opened the door and... Oh it was Matt. " Emma! Tell Matt I'll be outta the shower in 10" I heard from the bathroom.

"Come in" I invited him inside. He walked in with his head held down. "We need to talk" we sat at the table. "I didn't remember at first, but then in religious ed it came back to me".

"How did you forget?" He looked puzzled.

"Matt! I was so drunk I couldn't remember a thing the next morning! It just came back to me". I truthfully told.

"sorry" he said. "I shouldn't have done it, I'm still with Jess and the guilt is killing me, we can't tell anybody!!"

"Fine with me and my brother can never know!" He agreed. There was another knock at the door and it was Alex. "Hey!" I opened the door and gave him a tight hug.

'Hey' he replied back.

"Come in, come in!" I had a cheesy smile on my face. Then I remembered Matt was here. "Oh, Matt's waiting for Jason to get out the shower" he nodded his head avoiding eye contact with him. "Let's get my stuff, I'm dying to see what you look like in my pink backpack!" I laughed and grabbed his hand and then we scurried up to my room. I shut the door.

"Well that was weirder than I expected!" Alex let out.

"I know!" I agreed! I grabbed my wash bag and shoved it in my backpack. Wait here a sec while I go and get a pillow from the living room." I slowly walked downstairs to try and listen to Jason and Matt. There voices soon got clearer.

"Do you trust Alex with Emma? What if they have sex?" Matt asked.

"I trust Alex, he's a nice guy!" Jason confessed.

I grabbed a pillow and raced back upstairs, I didn't want to hear anymore or be seen!

1 hour later.

We eventually left and made our way to Alex's house. We got the bus and walked the rest of the way. "So, what do you think Jason and Matt will get up too then?" Alex asked at we walked up his road.

"Not sure, probably only x-box games!" We laughed.

We entered his house and I quickly dropped my heavy bags. "So, where's Sue and Pete?"

"Oh, my mums at this conference meeting in London and my dad tagged along".

"Aw, that seems cute!" I giggled.

"Okay, shall we put loads of blankets and cushions on the floor and get comfy?"

I nodded quickly and placed the blankets across the floor with cushions. We then got changed into out pyjamas. Which involved no top for Alex! He just sleeps in joggers!

We were finally settled and then put a movie on. "So, how's Catherine now a days?" He asked.

"She's alright I guess, now go get the ice cream!" He laughed and got up to get it.

I sighed since Catherine doesn't like Alex because I was always with him, but I wanted to be best friends with both of them. She understands now though, but still keeps her distance from Alex.

"Ice cream always makes my night perfect!" I said as I scooped a spoonful and ate it.

"Same!" Alex grabbed the tub and did the same.

"So, what you gunna do about Matt? I mean he's your brothers best friend!"

"I know, he'll never find out hopefully, but if he does then it's up to him what to do with Matt and to be honest I don't really care!" We laughed.

As the night got later, we got hyper and ended up thinking of what to do next.

"Hmm... How about truth or dare?" Alex brought up.
"But there's only the two of us Alex?" I pointed out.

"Soo?" He was right, we had nothing better to do and we would probably end up asleep soon! "Truth or Dare?" Alex asked me. I decided on truth and he thought really hard and chose "What was your first time like?"

"I can't remember much but if I'm honest, I thought he was a bad kisser and he kept biting my lip which I don't like! It didn't hurt though" we giggled. "Now you, truth or dare?"

"Truth!" Alex chose bravely.

"Have you ever even kissed anyone?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Well, not really, only like a peck" he admitted.

"Right last one okay? I hate these games!" I smirked.

"Okay, truth or dare?" I thought hard! I decided to go for a dare since this time I was feeling brave. Alex laughed.

"This is going to sound way out of line but, I dare you to help me practice kissing?"

"Wow! Alex!" I was shocked.

"I know, but a dares a dare!" He was right, I had to do it, even if it did make things weird.

"Okay" I closed my eyes and leant forward. I felt his hands smoothly grab my hips and pull me forward slightly. His lips touched mine, again, smoothly. His lips carried on moving across mine and I felt like I couldn't stop, I had to pull away, but I couldn't. My hands felt his cheeks and we carried on kissing. Then, I pulled away, wiping my lips clean. I looked down at the bed and eventually looked back up at him. We broke the silence by laughing. We got back into the duvets and had some more ice cream. "I've got to say, you're a good kisser for someone who's never kissed before!" I smirked.

"Thanks! So, does that mean I'm better than Matt?"

"A lot!" We agreed. I was do tired and ready to fall asleep. "I'm going to fall asleep now Alex" he looked at me and nodded.

"Okay, I'll just make something on the sofa to sleep in" he stood up.

"Don't be stupid! Stay! I don't mind, you're my best friend!" I persuaded him. I turned on my side and stared at the wall for hours, I couldn't fall asleep just thinking about that kiss, how much better it was than Matt's! Alex had never before suggested to sleep on the sofa! So why then? Did he like me, more than a friend? Impossible!

Alex was definitely asleep, he is such a bad deep breather! I sighed and felt Alex move close next to me. His hands wrapped around my waist and I felt safe. He'd never slept with me like this before but I liked it. I could smell his fragrance from behind me and it felt nice. Our body shapes fitted together perfectly and I drifted off to sleep...

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