Rules if you are to read this book.

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This book was started on September 2017, and it was right after an event in my life where my life began to change and I grew in knowledge about life and friends.

September mid was when I and my ex-best friend broke up after 2 years of being together.

This friend manipulated me all this time, used me and tried to change me into a horrible person.

I was a puppet to her without even knowing and once we broke apart, because of me finding out of her manipulating me, I was so lost.

I was in a new friendship with amazing people that I am friends with even now.

But I didn't know how to act, what to do - because I was so used to being controlled around by other people.

I could not talk about these issues before, because my school was watching both of us since we made an agreement (She was bullying me - So long story...), and because of that agreement I wasn't in the right to say a word about this.

Now, considering how I had no idea on what to do or how to act, this might've....

.... Well it did (That's why I'm writting this) impact on how (Y/n) in the book was acting.

I am still getting hate comments about how they think the reader is stupid and naive and how they could do better.

We have made several Author Notes about how you should stop judging the characters in this book.

As an Author - I believe all Authors sometimes imagine themselves as a character in their book.

Well, as an Author, I started of as (Y/n) and by the end of the book like Darkiplier himself.

Not in a bad way... if you read this book you'd understand.

So I do admit, I and my editor were rather reluctant to write the book anymore considering we knew hate comments will continue to grow and grow until the point where we will want to delete the accounts alongside the books.

This hate grew so much I am confident in feeling that I or Jamie (my editor) can neither finish the last chapter from this book.

The ending was meant to be good.

Very good.

However it will now be unfinished until we finally feel the want to even finish the book.

So now reader, do us a favour.

We beg you to not hate on any characters at all in this whole book or you will be muted along with those who already have been...

It's not a threat...

It's more like us distancing ourselves from this negativity.

Thank you to all who have indeed been supportive and encouraging us to continue.

We love you.

Enjoy what has been left of this book.


We still receive unfriendly criticism...
Apparently other authors are allowed to mute these types of people or even answer with the same amount of 'respect' they've been talking them with, however people judge us if we do that.

Enjoy this book anyways ^-^

D̵̠̯̲̏͂ā̷͕͝r̷̼̒k̷̡̲͈̝̦̦̿̍iplier For You Where stories live. Discover now