Ch. 1

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{Liam's Pov}

People may describe their life as perfect, others might describe theirs as normal. But why? There's no such thing as the "perfect" life. A normal life doesn't exists either. So why do they put that description?

Are their lives really perfect or normal? I'll tell you one thing, my life is neither. It's far from being perfect, not even normal.

My names Liam Payne. I'm known for being the nerdy, quite kid at the back of the class, who always gets their homework in on time or gets As and Bs on every assignment. I'm the one EVERYONE wants to work with on a class project (even though I'll end up doing all the work anyways). I dress like a nerd. Talk like a nerd. Walk like a nerd. Socialize like a nerd, which means I have no friends, at all. But all in all, I'm the school's biggest nerd. Who am I kidding, I'm the ONLY nerd.


Splish splosh splish splosh

That's the sound of my feet as they hit the wet, mushy, snow on the ground as I make my way to the most hated place on the planet. School. At least in a teenagers' minds. Don't get me wrong, school's not all that bad, but it's the people in it that I just can't stand. You have all these different types of personalities. It's like the students of the school are split up into categories, and I hate how we're just put into a group iscolated from the rest of the student body. But I'm the only one in my category so I shouldn't really be talking.

I finally make it to the grey, two story building I call school. Out on the front yard were a couple of students waiting for the doors of the school to open, considering its still a bit early. I make my way to sit on a bench when I hear I voice call my name.

"Hey Liam"

I turn around and see a blonde bloke running towards me. I think its Niall, I'm not sure because I don't socialize with anyone and no one socializes with me.

"Uh...hey?" I reply once he's close enough to hear me. "Can I help you?"

"I forgot to do my notes for Mr. Malone. Can I maybe borrow yours?" Niall asked with a huff from the running he just did. "I have him for first block and I don't need him yappin' at me again." You see, Niall can talk to anyone, and everyone and doesn't care who the hell it is. He's just friendly like that, maybe a little to friendly if you ask me. But I'm not complaining, he's one of the very few people that actually talk to me about things besides homework. We're not friends, we're more like acquaintances than anything really.

"Um...sure, I don't have him till fifth block anyways." I say while giving him the notes he needs. "Just make sure to give 'em back before then, ok?"

"Gosh! Thanks Li, you really don't know how much you just saved my arse." Niall laughs. "But no problem mate, I'll make sure to give 'em to ya before then."

"Alright Niall, I'll see you around." I say as the bell rings, signaling us that the doors of the school are now opened. I walk up the steps of the school and make a beeline for my locker #69. People make a big fuss about me having this locker, and I don't know why. Is it haunted or enchanted? I don't know. I put in my combination and grab my things for my first class: Technology.

I was about to close my locker when it slammed shut right in my face. 'Not again' I say in my mind. I slightly move my head to my right to see the captain of the football team standing there. Louis Tomlinson. He's the guy every nerd wants to avoid. I guess you can call him my bully but he doesn't really do anything, but throw insults. It's not like he beats me up everyday and embarrasses me in front of everyone. He's just...sassy in a way? I don't know. The boy is something else though.

"Well, well, well look who we have here, say Payno I saw you and blondey talking outside. Is he your friend or something, because if he is he must not see how big of a nerdy fag you are." Wow...the insults just keeps getting better. Fag? Really? I'm not even gay if he's pointing it that way. It's not that I have something against gays, I support them if that. I just don't have feelings towards boys in THAT way, if you catch my drift.

" no. We're not friends, he just needed the notes for Biology, that's all. And I'm not a fag, ok? I'm not even close to being gay, now if you'll excuse me I have a class to attend to." Yep, that's right I just sassed THE Louis Tomlinson and I have no regrets. 'Bout time I stand my ground instead of walking off like the sad puppy they take me for.

Walking down the corridor to the stairs I look back and see Louis staring back at me with his mouth a gap, but slowly turning into a smirk. Now that can't be good. "You'll regret what you said nerd. No one talks to me like that." He hollered as I disappeared into the stairwell. Yep, I'm dead meat.

Climbing up the stairs that reaches the second floor I received a few disgusted looks while others just ignored me not even giving me a small glance. Nothing new there.

Isn't my life great?

A/N: I hope this was alright. This is my first fanfic ever so bare with me. I know this is shitty, but I promise you it'll get better. Trust me

- Kayla💕

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