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I know I sound pathetic , but  why did life just decide to screw me over . I know I sound whiny as shit but mum was the only one who understood me now she gone that asshole James whom I bear his surname runs off with my college funds my mum was saving it was painful but at least I still have the house right? wrong some of mum's so called siblings who we've never heard from or know exist for that matter show up and claimed the house and they didn't come alone oh no they brought with them some loan sharks that dear old dad 'forgot' to pay back and I end up having less than  two weeks  to pay back the debts and find a new place to live  which would have been easy if I wasn't a 17 year old highschool student  who was in the middle of their final exams so yeah I dropped out and tried to get a job  bad idea cause the only decent paying jobs require applicants to have at least a highschool diploma so I started working at a bar and started living with a coworker Chris a fairly nice guy  but by the end of the two weeks I hadn't made up to half if the debt payment and shit went South fast with a shoot out in a bar and Chris taking a bullet in his right eye  and being chased by a contract debt collector/hitman hired by the mafia so that's the version of events that lead me to my present situation lost in the woods at night these woods said to be filled with wolves  I hear howling in a distance and I pick up my pace and get to a clearing where the moon is in full view    and the howls keep  getting closer i trip and sprain my ankle  I let out a strangled yelp as I fall on  my sides trying to crawl away futile stride  and out of nowhere I hear a flute playing                (play above song)
And a figure in a black suit and top hat  appears   and  it which I  then realize is a he turns to me  his piercing  gaze  makes me fear him more than the wolves pursuing me he looks at me smirking and says "welcome to rovienna's circus" 
393 words

Sorry for the shitty prologue but hopefully I did pretty good for my first wattpad story thanks for checking it out I really appreciate it :)

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