The Seven Sins Intro Part 2

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I want to state that if this/these idea(s) match that of anyone else's in entirety then it is unintentional. There are several parts that probably do match as some are a melting pot of abilities thrown together under a sin, and an interpretation of said sin. I have decided to give a title or name of sorts for the ability.  Actually using them are optional, however. I also give permission for any to use said idea so long as they credit if it's done without profit. Compensation would be nice if done for cash, but not if the profit is minimal and unbeneficial to both parties when divided.

Another thing to note is that each of the sins are psionic-based and avatar-based powers,  not unlike the Emotional Spectrum from DC. They each possess what I call a "Presence", an aura of sorts that is ever-present but only visible when the wielder wants them to be and when they are under stress/experiencing an intense amount of emotion. Each sin has a different colored as well as a differently sized Presence. These Presences also act as the "Area of Influence" for each sin. The colors of each sin can also change in tone or shade depending on the intentions and size and shape depending on the feelings of the wielder. Each Sin-wielder also possess the ability Unity, which unites the wielder with their Sin by making them Avatars and temporary Embodiments of their Sin, making them significantly more powerful by expanding upon their abilities on top of removing the weaknesses and limitations of them. Unity should be used sparingly due to it piling the emotions and intents of the Sin from every being in existence onto the wielder, driving the wielder to a sin-induced madness and making them want to actively remedy said desire/desires as if they had Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder times over a trillion. As I've already stated, these powers aren't deus-ex-machinae, they are things you tack onto someone who has already made themselves that through intense training, as well as the study of various topics such as chemistry, physics, anatomy, design, and the ways they connect and can be applied to battle or at least have the potential to do so. Each of the wielders have to pretty much be Street Fighter or Dragon Ball Z characters physically mixed with a bit of Iron Man/Batman/Dr. Strange intellectually to be able to use their powers to the fullest, otherwise they are just parlor tricks.

The colors for each Presence are as follows with Neutral/Good colors first and Evil/Chaotic colors next:

Pride: Purplish Black, (think Truth Seeking Balls from Naruto.) Color never really changes from negative intent besides becoming more obvious in purple

Envy: "Cash Money" Green/"Your Soul is Mine" Green

Greed: White Diamond/Blood Red with Diamond texture

Lust: White/Black

Sloth: Sapphire Blue/"Borderline Black" Blue

Gluttony: Red with White highlights/Black with Blood Red highlights

Wrath: Sun Orange/Red Giant Red

As a teaser of sorts I'll list my seven nicknames for these powers so you can speculate what they are and also to announce that Wrath shall be the first to be listed on here and on my Fanfiction page.

Pride: Downfall

Envy: Infringe

Greed: Overseer

Lust: Bless-Bane

Sloth: PaceMaker

Gluttony: BioHazard

Wrath: BackLash

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