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As you would probably expect, the orphanage was not a very nice place. Especially the one Jonathan lived in. It was crowded and filthy. He had a sister and she was three years older than him, and of course he was nine years old. His sisters name was Bethany. He scratched at the rough “new” shirt he was given. Since he was getting bigger he was given new clothes. They weren’t quite new they were used before but that was all the orphanage could give to him. He hated the clothing they had at the orphanage.

He couldn’t read the orphanage sign that well but it had a couple missing letters and the only letters left were G,A,F,R and D. And of course he knew even though a couple letters were missing in the word he knew it said ORPHANAGE. Which was the worst place he has ever been. Big Billy the bully would beat the rest of the boys up, If not, the was the mean headmistress Ms Dory.

Jonathan’s mother died of sickness when he was four and his dad was killed in a mysterious murder. He hated the world. People were cruel. He wanted nothing more but to have his parents back and live in that small house where he was loved by his family. In the orphanage there was no escape unless you were eighteen years old or if you got a lucky opportunity and ran away. It was a jail to Jonathan. He was almost like a candle about to flicker then go out. No one chose him but he had a close encounter of losing his sister- the only piece of family he had left.

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