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Jaeden's POV
I look at Jeremy who got a happy smile on his face for some reason. Ben speak up as he noticed Jeremy smiling like an idiot. "What's with the smile,Jer? You like her or something?" That made everyone look at Jeremy waiting for him to answer impatiently. He started chuckling out of nowhere. "What's going on,Ben? You like her as well,is it?"

"Nah,I'm more into Clary." Everyone started 'ooh-ing' as Ben stated that. I smiled at Ben's words. It's true though,he have been flirting with Clary a lot. "I have an idea. What if we go around in circle and tell each other who's our crush?"

Anthony out of nowhere said which made everyone agree except for me. What am I gonna say? If I say Jessica, Jeremy will be mad. "Ok,let's start with Jeremy." He started blushing as he smiled showing his teeth that probably made Jessica melt all the time. "Ok,fine but don't tell anyone especially her. It's-"

I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "Jessica,isn't it?" I look at him with a serious face while waiting for his answer. Everyone look at me in confusion. "No way. Jaeden,you like her too,is it?" Anthony's words made Jeremy look at me in shock. Did my words made it seem like I'm jealous? Cuz I totally am.

"No. It's just that Jeremy seems very happy since we came here. But it's true,right?" The others started looking at me and Jeremy back and forth. Jeremy then nodded which made my blood boil. Why her? "Come on,guys. Don't ruin the fun because of some some girl."

Ben broke the tense between us and the telling about crush thingy proceeds with me looking down while drinking my Coke. I need to win Jessica's heart before Jeremy does. Jeremy is a charmer while I'm not. I won't let Jessica fall for Jeremy. I know it's betraying but they're not a couple yet so it doesn't count.
_ _ _
Jessica's POV
The boys left so it's just me and Jeremy at home now. I head downstairs to maybe clean up the coffee table or something. I arrived at the living room and saw Jeremy picking up the can with a serious face. What's with that expression?

"Hey,let me help." I stand in front of him as I take some empty cans from his hand. He doesn't react which is weird cuz he would at least smile at me. Maybe something happened? I head to the kitchen with him behind me. We tossed the cans inside the trash can. I look at him and I'm so confused. Why does he seem so upset?

"Jeremy,are you ok?" He look at me with a small smile as he nodded. I bite my bottom lip as he walk away. "I'm gonna head to my room,okay?" I nodded at what he said while I'm still confused. I wanna know what happened. Damnit,I hate being curious.

I take out my phone to text Clary. Maybe she'll know what it means. I mean,they're pretty close so she should know what it means when he doesn't smile as much.

Me: Clary,I have a question.

Clary: What?

Me: Is it weird if Jeremy doesn't smile much?

Clary: Sooooo weird. Why?

Me: What are the reasons that'll make him stop smiling?

Clary: Well,it's either he's very upset about something or he just really hates you. Nothing else.

Me: Ohmygod,do you think he hates me?

Clary: I don't know what you guys did in that house so I don't have the answer to that question. What happened before he stopped smiling?

Me: Well,the boys came. He was so giggly and happy when they arrived but now,he seems so down.

Clary: Maybe the boys made him upset?

Me: Do you think I should ask him?

Clary: Sure. But ask him if he wants to talk about it or not.

Me: Okay then. Thanks for helping.

Clary: Anytime. :)

I was about to head upstairs but then Jeremy came down all dressed up with his car keys in his hand. Is he leaving? "Oh,I'm going out tonight. Don't worry,I won't disturb your sleep when I'm home." I nodded at what he said cuz I don't really know what to say,okay? He left the house and I'm just there not knowing what happened. I need to find out.


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