Save Me- Part 17

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"Aren't you going to say goodbye to your mother?" My father asked while climbing into the driver's seat beside me.

"Nope."  I replied simply, propping my feet up on the dashboard.

"And your siblings?" He raised an eyebrow at me. We both looked out the window watching as Abby and Mike stood at the doorstep of our white lake house.

With a heavy sigh, I forced myself up and out the door. They both came running from infront of my mother off the step into my arms.

"We will see you soon then?" Abby murmured into the nape of my neck.

"Thanksgiving." I nodded kissing her head then her twin brothers.

"Be good?" I looked both of them in the eye.

"Are you and mommy going to be fighting forever?" Mike looked up at me with big blue eyes, blinking twice.

"It's nothing for you to worry about Mike-n-Ike." I reassured him, running my fingers threw his sandy blonde hair before standing back up. I met the cold eyes of my mother before turning back for the Explorer without another word.

"You're going to regret this Mia." My father said quietly putting the car into reverse.

"So will she."


"November then?" My dad swayed on his feet looking down at the dorm carpet.

"November." I nodded studying his face. It hurt to see him like that truth be told. I could feel the tension between use the whole six hour ride up to the Academy. I could feel his sadness while dropping my trunk off in this cold room on the fourth floor in the middle of Burlington Vermont. I could tell he didn't expect the summer to end with this type of goodbye.

"I love you Mi-Mi" He murmured pulling me into his warm paternal embrace.

"You too daddy." I whispered wrapping my arms around his waist.

And then he left. As if I couldn't feel anymore alone, I knew I wouldn't see him for another two and a half months give or take. I knew the car ride back to the lake would be a long one. That the feeling inside the house would be far from the usual, but I couldn't think about that anymore.

I slowly unlocked my navy blue trunk, pulling clothing out one piece at a time, and then carefully placed it in my mahogany dresser for two- the other half already filled with clothes of my unknown roommate. One thing about this school was you met knew people. You never had the same roommate. It was always constant change.

I had never stayed in South-House before, so that in itself would be a new experience. But with these new experiences loneliness still followed, and it was coming close to unbearable.

"You must be Mia." A peppy voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned to face the high pitch voice, raising a curious eyebrow.

"You are?"

"Payton." The cheery red-bombshell announced plopping herself on the edge of her bubblegum pink bedspread. "I LOVE your hair roomy!" She giggled. I couldn't tell if I liked her or soon would be aggravated with her...just her.

"Oh...Uh thanks I didn't really do anything to it..." I muttered looking down at the ends of my dirty blond hair, twirling around the end of my finger for a moment.

"Good thing you're pretty, we will get a lot of attention on G floor." She grinned with catty eyes, glancing at the door once.

"G-Floor...?" I repeated.

"South-House is Co-Ed silly!" she cried.

A normal girl would be excited by this, no? I simply fiddled with my heart necklace biting my bottom lip.

"Your not happy." She stated.

"Oh no no...I am." I shook my head looking back up at her.

"Who was the guy? Does he still go here?" She spilled out

"What makes you think it was a guy?" I raised an eyebrow forcing a curious laugh.

"It's practically painted on your forehead! Hi my name is heartbroken by an asshole, and you are...?" She said sarcastically.

"He wasn't an asshole." I quickly interjected. He was everything but an asshole, at least to me he wasn't.

"I'm sure." She rolled her eyes hopping up to her feet, "What are you wearing tonight, we have two days left till the semester- we have got to get this party started." She grinned walking over to my trunk, sifting through my entire wardrobe.

Yep, it was going to be a long hard next few months.


"Who's that with Pay?" Colby nudged me in the forearm lightly.

I glanced over my shoulder immediately the bubbly ginger, next to her an unfamiliar face. My eyes widened for a moment, running over the slender petite girl before quickly turning back. How had I never seen a girl like that around here?

"I have no idea..." I shrugged. I wish I did- But I'm sure now that Colby spotted her, she wasn't up for grabs.

"I'll find out." He said with a cocky grin spreading across his lips.

"Come on man don't get into it with Payton's girl..." I turned putting myself in front of him.

"She was yours not mine Trevor."  He pointed out.


"Regardless what? It's you who can't be involved with her, not me." He said pushing me out of the way to approach the girls. I nonchalantly followed him, taking in a deep breath.

"Payton," Colby nodded to her with a smile, continuing to look over at Ms.-unknown with a side smile, "And you are..."

"Mia." She said simply with a meek smile.

"Hi Trevor." Payton said sourly.

"Good summer Pay?" I asked sincerely.

"Like you care." She rolled her eyes.

Mia looked between me and Payton, reading something in her eyes before looking back into mine silently. I could feel her labeling me right then and there as untouchable, but I didn't care. She was the untouchable one. Either wayI would make a point not to let Colby or Payton get to her...whoever she was.

-----And so it begins... :]-----

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