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hi friends 

coming back to story 

next day in luthra house

aroras are also present

all got wakeup . there are sitting on dinning table for breakfast

all are eating breakfast

karan: i want to annouce something can i 

all said yes then karan continued 

karan: I want to say that this much has happened in our lives . I think we all should have trip 

Mahesh : yes of course where will go 

Karan: we will go shimala . there our farm house also there 

Rishab: I will make all the arrangements

Shristi : sir iam excited . you know what sir shimala is favourite place for preeta di 

Karan in mind : I know shristi that's why I have choosen shimala 

Karan : today evening we will go pack your stuff 

In whole conversation preeta is thinking about surprise. 

All went pack there stuff aroras went to there home for packing ..

At afternoon  

Aroras came back to luthra house with  luggage for the trip .preeta went in karan room she is searching for karan then karan came at her back tapped on shoulder she turned back fast then both lose their balance and fell on bed karan is over preeta . both are lost in each other .sajda plays in  bg  then preeta came back to  sense  and karan is lost in her 

Preeta in mind: this is the good time I will ask him the surprise 

Preeta( slowly): karan.

Karan( fully lost in her) : hmm

Preeta : can I ask you something

Karan ( lost) : yes baby doll 

Preeta: what is the surprise karan ? 

Karan : baby doll surprise is surprise . if I told you what is the thrill .. 

Preeta push him and start moving with fake angry 

Karan: intzaar ka pal mita hota he . wait and watch babydoll Preeta turned back and gave him glare karan acted to be scared she went for there

Karan in mind : sorry baby doll for making you wait so much . tomorrow is very special day for us .. I too can't wait .. 

All got ready for the trip all sat in cars..

Mahesh,rakhi ,kareena,sarla in one car. Rishab, p.dadi, k.dadi , janaki anuty in one car ( friends I hate rishta so made him sit with dadis ) preeran ,shrishmeer and krithika in one car 

Karan sat on driving seat and waiting for his babydoll then all came and sat at backside only front seat left preeta came last . karan looked preeta and gave a smile she normally came and sat besides him then karan started driving 

Karan: yaar iam getting bore anyone can sing song 

Shristi : yes sir preeta di she is a very good singer . di sing na 

Preeta: no shristi I can't .. 

Sameerand krithika: yes preeta please                                       then preeta see karan and karan singed to sing . she said OK and she closed her eyes , start singing 

Hasi female song she has sung . sorry guys I dont know lyrics properly 

Song ended .. all clapped for her then karan started FM after sometime all slept due to tiredness except karan ( if he also slept who will drive ) preeta also sleeping Her head on window . her head is hitting the window . karan saw this he kept her head on karan shoulder  .. Then he smiled and kissed her forehead...

After soon they reached by 7:30pm at shimala 

Precap: surprise revealed 

That its guys I hope you like my story sorry for grammer mistake .. 


                                     THANK YOU

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