1: The Will of Boredom

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It all started when time and time again, I had been sitting in my room, doing absolutely nothing, but staring at my laptop screen, as one does often when they have nothing else to do in the house. I was bored, I didn't know what to do, so I decided to go on the infamous 'Omegle', the site where you mostly talk to perverted strangers. I, of course, was not going on it for the perverted strangers, but rather, for the people on it who are genuinely looking for someone to talk to. There were never many of those people around, but they were around. It was there where I had met someone I thought I would never meet in real life ... but turns out, that person was living right next door to me. Only, it wasn't how I had pictured them.

It was Saturday night, a night where no kid in their right mind would be willing to do their homework or assignments if they weren't forced to do it by their parents. Fortunately for me, my parents were out of town, and so, I was left home alone, without a worry in the world about boring school work. However, this freedom from school work had left me in a little bit of a pickle, as I had nothing to do. No friends to call, as they were all studying or whatever, and no good TV shows or movies to watch, as they were mainly only re-runs.

I decided to log onto my laptop and surf the web for a little bit, reading up articles about celebrities who had gone astray again, or who had stripped naked in front of a billion of people, streaking across the whole town (that last bit was a lie, but how controversial would that be if that actually happened, haha). It didn't take me very long to get bored of all this gossip, so after about thirty minutes of reading up on these articles I kind of just sat there, staring at the screen. It wasn't until about another thirty minutes later, that my will of boredom lead me onto Omegle. The sight where all parents warn children not to go on to due to pedophiles or perverts or whatever, but I already knew all those consequences, and I already knew I wasn't going to be exposing myself to these strangers, that's just weird.

Anyways, I decided to start this chat, I got a few perverted people at the start, telling me very very inappropiate things which I will not get into, with the fear or scarring your innocent little minds forever. I was about to give up having a normal conversation, when this person came along:

Stranger: Hey there. How's it going?

You: Hello, I'm good thanks. How are you?

Stranger: Yeah, I'm alright thanks.

Thank the lord, if this person had something other than 'I'm alright' or something along those lines, I would have defintely disconnected immediately.

You: Phew, a sane person on here. I was losing hope I must admit

Stranger: Yeah, don't worry. I know how you feel. I was losing hope as well, it's not exactly easy finding a person who won't ask for nude pictures or some form of sexting to turn them on

You: You know, I never understand how someone can get turned on by sexting ... it's strange

Stranger: I feel the same way :))

You: So ... what's your name?

This was actually going pretty well, and I was quite intrigued by this new found stranger. It actually took the person a little while to reply and I had thought that it was some creep making up a fake name or something and I started freaking out, was almost about to disconnect too before he replied:

Stranger: David. What's yours?

You: Jenny. Haha took your time to reply didn't you?

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