1-Meeting At the Coffee Shop

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I slipped on my uggs, already wearing black leggings my navy blue sweater a cream scarf and cream beanie with my ombréd hair in beach waves down to almost my bum. I grabbed my iPhone 6 and headed down the street to the cute little coffee shop, in a city, right outside Brighton. It's about a 6 minute walk so it's not bad. I opened the door to the small shop and the bell rang alerting them someone was here. I absolutely loved to his place, it was like my get away. Not only that but the design of the building is absolutely stunning.

I walked up to the counter to see Adam one of my best friends. "Hello Welcome! What can I get for you today?" He asked not looking up. "I'll have a caramel apple cider, extra foam, and some lemon pound cake." I say inspecting the menu, I've been here a million times before and I end up ordering almost the same thing each time. Just then Adam looked up."oh hey carter! I haven't seen you in forever!" he exclaimed. I laughed slightly at his stupidity. There were other people behind me so I couldn't chat so payed real quick and sat down and waited.

"Caramel Apple Cider and lemon pound cake!" Sidney called out. I hopped up and took it thanking her. I turned around to head out towards the door, only to be bumped into by a 5'11 young man. "Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry!" I say making sure he didn't drop anything. "It's okay love!" He said I looked up to see a beautiful pair of green eyes. "Are you sure?" I ask wearily he nods and reassures me.

"Would you like to sit down?" He asks I oblige and we sit at a booth. "So what's your name?" He asks his British accent thick. "I'm Carter and you are?" I ask smiling at the handsome boy in front of me. "Oh yes sorry, I'm Harry Styles!" He says I smile recognizing the name "aren't you in that boyband?" I ask hoping he says no. "Yea One Direction!" He states proudly.

I can feel the color drain from my face. "R-really?" I stutter amazed.
"Yea why you a fan?" He asks laughing "no not really it's just that my brothers in that band." I say sadly and amazed. "I'm pretty sure I've met all their siblings." He said laughing I shake my head "no, I am Niall's younger sister we were best friends until he auditioned and I haven't had contact with him since he left. He would never talk about me knowing him" I explain still in awe.

"Are you kidding?" He asks I shake my head. "Well we are here for a concert would you like to come to the hotel and surprise him?" He asks unsure. I nod and shrug.

I feel Harry's eyes on me. "What?" I ask embarrassed he looks at me confused, "Why were looking at me?" He smiles

"because your so beautiful" he said smiling at me only making my cheeks heat more. "Thanks but not really." I said looking down as we walked out of the shop. "Well have you looked in a mirror lately?" He asked seriously I nodded "yea why?" He smiled "because it must be broken because you ARE beautiful!" He said smiling down at me. "Thanks" I said blushing furiously.

The walk to their hotel consisted of getting to know eachother. Now I would probably consider harry and I good friends. He's so sweet and fun to be around and funny. We stepped into the hotel and I felt like we were being watched by hawks.

Harry took my hand in his and I felt small sparks erupt in my stomach. By the time we had reached the elevator they were like bombs. "Are you ready?" Harry asks bringing me back from my day dream. "I guess I mean what is there to loose?" I say shrugging. I honestly have no idea how Niall will react. But part of never wants to see him and the other half is dying to be reunited with him.

With Harry's hand still holding mine we make our way towards the hotel room. We stop in front of a room and he slowly opens the door. We both walk in slowly "hey Haz!" A feminine voice calls "hey Lottie!" He called back. I feel a little pit in my stomach, is that his girlfriend. I look up at him confused. He quickly and quietly explains to me how that's Louis' little sister and her and Niall have the hots for eachother.

I laughed he smirked we walked into the hotel room to see a beautiful girl sitting at the table. "Oh hello, I'm Lottie! And you are?" She asked smiling "Carter." I say almost at a whisper. "Carter? Wow I haven't heard about a girl named Carter since my sister. I wanna go visit her!" I heard my brother whine as his voice became louder.

He entered the room on his phone "what if it was my sister?" He asked laughing and his practically impossible statement in his view. "Anyway hello lov-" he started as he looked up at me. "Carter?!?" He screeched "Niall?" I asked in disbelief. His jaw was dropped and I guess I had changed in the past 3 years. My brown hair was now ombré I was about 5'6 and I was perfect weight with boobs and a butt.

I felt the warm tears flow down my face. I covered my mouth with my hand and Niall rand up to me scooping me up and spinning me around. "Carter?!?" He asked pulling away cupping my cheeks and looking at my face. His eyes were puffy and red as well as mine, most likely. He kissed my forehead repeatedly and all over my face.

"Niall!" I whined "sorry I'm just so happy!" He said kissing my forehead. He pulled me onto a couch and practically squeezed the life out of me. "Where were you I haven't seen you for three years?!?" He questions becoming over protective. "I left and started my life I'm now a designer with my own clothing line, I have my own makeup business and I'm and interior and graphic designer as well and I do people's hair on the side." I explain like it's no big deal.

"Wait! I recognize you!" Lottie squeals "you-you- design half of top shops clothing!" She stutters I blush "yea... Wait how'd you'd know?" I ask confused because only certain people know that. "I absolutely love top shop and I've been trying to contact you to see if you could help me with my clothing line?" She says fnagirling. Just then I get the best idea. "Wait you have your own clothing line?" I ask excited she nods and then I make the offer.

Meeting at the Coffee ShopWhere stories live. Discover now